Tag Archives: Mary J Blige

(inset photo) Jodeci’s K’Ci with then-girlfriend, Mary J. Blige; (R) Former Death Row Records singer and former Jodeci background vocalist, Danny Boy

Former Death Row Records crooner, Danny Boy, is best known for singing on several Death Row hits, such as Tupac’s “I Ain’t Mad At Cha.” However, in more recent years, not only is he still known for his dope singing ability, but also for his straightforward personality, as well as the countless stories he’s been revealing about what he says really went down behind the scenes of the music game with some of our favorite artists back then.

This time around, Danny Boy is putting Jodeci’s, K-Ci; and K-Ci’s ex, Mary J. Blige, in the forefront…and it involves him as well.

Ya’ see, Danny Boy, Jodeci, and Mary J. apparently go way back to when they all used to be cool with each other beginning in the ’90s. Although Danny says “K-Ci and Jo-Jo have always been like a brother to me,” he also feels that when it came to Mary J., K-Ci “got in his feelings” a lil’ bit. Why? Because according to Danny Boy, he, too, had relations with Mary J. Blige supposedly around the same time that she was in an on-again-off-again relationship with K-Ci.

Danny Boy Explains Why K-Ci ‘Fired Him Over Mary J. Blige’

In his Art of Dialogue interview, Danny Boy says the beef over Mary J. Blige was sparked during the time when Danny Boy was singing background for and touring with Jodeci, according to Danny:

“I was out on the road with K-Ci and Jo-Jo probably about 5 or 6 years. … During the good times…during the bad times when people seen the viral videos of them being drunk on stage.”- Danny Boy

Danny said that they were so in-sync during performances that he would be “holdin’ it down” for Jo-Jo at times when Jo-Jo wasn’t feeling well enough to sing his parts.

But Danny explained that while the touring with Jodeci all came to a screeching hault for him unexpectedly. It was during the time when he says everyone on tour began reading his memoir, where he discussed allegedly having a sexual relationship with Mary J. years prior:

D.B.- “While we were on tour with Jodeci, that’s when everybody on the tour bus started reading my book, “Stranded On Death Row.” … Everybody was like, ‘Man…so you was with Mary?!?’ And they’d just be laughing about it. And it really wasn’t on a disrespectful end, but they kinda always just brought it up.”

As time went on Danny Boy said that he could tell this had struck a nerve with K-Ci:

D.B.- “K, you could tell he was kinda in his feelings about it. … And [then] we got to one city and K-Ci just kinda flipped out…and started telling me, ‘Ya know I’m your boss!’ And I said ‘you not my mothaf^^ing boss! …I sing backgrounds, this is a work-for-hire.'”

Then came the firing:

D.B.- “So we kinda exchanged some words. And after my book being out for a while…we were gearing up for some shows…and they never called me back again for any shows. I was kinda like fired third party.”

Danny Boy says after getting fired presumably over his past with Mary J., he’s talked to Jo-Jo “maybe a couple of times,” but as far as K-Ci, he says “I haven’t seen K-Ci, or talked to him since.”

“I Lost A Lot Of Respect For Them”

According to Danny Boy, as a result of being fired for a years-old sexual past with Mary J., he “lost a lot of respect for them.” He says although he and Jo-Jo have always been cool, “they always be doing some funny sh*t…as brothers,” and that he was “disappointed and let down” by the way they handled the situation surrounding their business relationship, over a past he allegedly had with Mary J. well before he’d ever started working with them to that capacity. He also admits that he’s “more let down on the brotherhood side” because they were “like brothers” to him. But he says he’s “thankful for the opportunity”…although he admittedly doesn’t ‘give a f**k if he ever talks to K-Ci again.’

It seems like all of those dudes had – and likely still have – love for each other. So hopefully in due time they’ll be able to dap it up and let bygones be bygones. Now, as far as Danny Boy’s claims regarding his past relations with Mary J. Blige…as far as we know, Mary has never publicly disputed his claims.

Check out what else Danny Boy said about K-Ci’s and Mary J.’s alleged abusive relationship in his Art of Dialogue interview clip up top. You can also cop Danny Boy’s memoir, “Stranded on Death Row,”on Amazon.

Mary J. Blige (L) with her sister, Latonya Blige, and their dad, Thomas Blige

When Mary J. Blige’s father, Thomas Blige, was severely stabbed multiple times, medical staff did not know if he’d make it through. The woman who stabbed him also had an uncertain fate, as she faced life in prison. What she ended up getting, however, shocked many.

Mary J.’s Dad Explained The Stabbing Incident…
In 2014, Mary J. Blige’s then-63-year-old father, Thomas Blige, was listed in critical condition after being stabbed with a kitchen knife in his throat, lung, and arm, by his then-50-year-old girlfriend, Cheryl White. He remained hospitalized for a while and Cheryl was arrested on an ‘assault with intent to murder’ charge.

Mary J. Blige’s sister, Latonya Blige, with their dad, Thomas Blige

The incident went down in Battle Creek, Michigan, outside of Thomas friend’s apartment at 6:59 a.m. on January 23, 2014. Thankfully, Thomas Blige made a remarkable recovery…and by the time Cheryl White’s trial in August of that same year, he was able to tell the judge how his girlfriend stabbed him:

“I was up early getting ready for school and I saw Cheryl White slashing my tires,” Thomas Blige told Judge Frank Line. “As I went to her she started slashing me. She said something out of anger like, ‘you won’t mess with me.'”

Here’s What Blige Says Happened After The Stabbing

Mugshot of Thomas Blige’s girlfriend, Cheryl White [Calhoun County Sheriff Department]

Thomas Blige Tried To Save Himself
Thomas also told the judge that after Cheryl stabbed him, he made it back to his friend’s apartment, who then called 911, as Thomas bled out of his neck, chest, and arm.

They Had A Domestic Dispute A Day Earlier…
Mary J.’s father explained that the reason he was staying at his friend’s apartment was because he and Cheryl had a domestic dispute the day before she stabbed him:

“Me and Cheryl have serious domestic problems,” Blige said. “The day before we were fighting and the police were called. We have verbal fights multiple times. An enormous number of times.”

Thomas denied Cheryl’s claim, that he tried to attack her after he’d caught her slashing his car tires:

“I saw her stabbing my tires,” Blige said. “And I saw a knife when I ran up to her. … “I didn’t chase her, I approached her. I was trying to embrace her out of love. I have never harmed her; I love her and I don’t like the situation she is in.”

Details On The Punishment Thomas Blige’s Girlfriend Ended Up Getting

Mary J. Blige and her dad months after stabbing attack [Facebook]
Cheryl White was originally facing life in prison for her ‘attempted murder’ charge, which nearly killed Mary J. Blige’s father. However, Cheryl ended up coppin’ a plea deal and received a sentence that many did not expect…

Via Battle Creek Inquirer: Cheryl White, 50, pleaded no contest to assault with intent to commit great bodily harm less than murder and is expected to spend no more than a year in jail.

The no contest plea was agreed to because of possible civil liability and because White could not remember the incident, [White’s attorney] Jeff Schroder said. … As part of the agreement both the defense and prosecutors said White would not serve more than a year in the county jail and would undergo mental health treatment as part of her probation.

In a past interview, Mary J. Blige reportedly admitted that her Dad physically abused her mother, Cora Blige, when they were married back in the day. It was also reported that Thomas Blige and Cheryl White had a “long history of domestic violence.” So, hopefully Mr. Blige and his girlfriend have learned wise lessons from their unfortunate ordeal, which ultimately could have claimed both of their lives.


R&B singer Case, who was popular in the mid 90’s, was featured on the TV One’s  series, Unsung, where he opened up about his past relationship with a famous R&B singer.

According to Case, back in the day, he had a side chick while he was engaged to his fiancee, Nicole. It was easy to have a low-key relationship with someone because there were so social media blogs to expose their relationship. The “Touch Me, Tease Me” star was having an affair with Mary J. Blige. The two singers did a great job of keeping their relationships tight-lipped and out of the public eye.


Case shared with TV One, that while the two were collaborating in the studio, they began to collaborate outside of that as they developed a natural attraction for one another.

“It turned into a relationship probably because I was scheming the whole time. It just came from being in the studio all the time, hanging out, you know? You just kind of click with people.”

While Case tried to hide his love affair with Mary, his former fiancee, Nicole, was aware that something was going on:

“I was always suspicious of his relationship with Mary. It seemed a little too close for comfort.”


Case boldly stated that he cheated on his fiancee with Mary J. Blige.

“Actually, I did cheat on Nicole with Mary.”

Watch a clip of Case discussing his fling with MJB below:

Ah well…we live and we learn. Celebs aren’t perfect…that’s what makes them human, just like us regular folk and ain’t nothing wrong with that.

(L) singer, Starshell; (R) singer, Mary J. Blige

Remember singer, Starshell, who according to iHeart.com Mary J. Blige reportedly accused of having an affair with her then-husband, Kendu Isaacs? She was also once signed to Mary J.’s company prior to Mary J. alleging that Kendu used her money to fund fancy trips and gifts for Starshell.

Well, we were wondering whatever happened to her ever since the media frenzy she was tossed into via Mary’s and Kendu’s lengthy divorce battle, so we did a lil’ diggin.’

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Why? because for a minute, it seemed as though ol’ girl had fallen underneath the radar and away from the public’s eye, presumably due to the ‘mistress’ rumors. Now though, she’s managed to come up big time since the Mary J- Kendu cheating scandal. Starshell also has a new career…and apparently, a wealthy fiance.’

Not sure if those cheating rumors about Kendu and Starshell were true, but I’m 99.9% sure there’s a high possibility that Kendu likely would not have been able to afford her current lifestyle at this time.

Starshell Is Doing Big Things These Days

Starshell boarding a private jet

As y’all can see, Starshell is not just living her best life, she’s living that jet-life nowadays. Ever since 2018, Starshell has been sharing several photos of herself on private jets, flying from coast to coast, while rockin’ some high end brands and partaking in spa getaways and such.

Meet Her Fiance’


She’s also recently shared pics of her mystery fiance’…and he put a PHAT kanary diamond ring on Starshell’s I’s-married-nah finger. Additionally, the happy lovebirds share a handsome toddler son.

Starshell with her fiance’

What Her Fiance’ Does For A Living

Starshell recently put the mystery surrounding her fiance’s career to rest, when she announced he’d just doe business with Bill Gates. “I am in total awe of my fiancé for being an investor and operator in taking this company, Heliogen Inc, public at a $2 Billion valuation SPAC merger!! 😱😳👏🏽👏🏽” Starshell wrote, while sharing the following post…


Her Parents Are Livin’ Their Best Lives Too…

She’s even taken her Mother, up for a jet ride to celebrate her retirement…


In a 2019 online post, Starshell was inside of the jet and joked about being on her ‘man’s G5’:

“‘Dinner wit my man on a G5 is my idea of an UpDate’ 🎵😆But first, let me change into something cute ☝🏽#Quickchangeinprocess ✈️”

At that time the question was, Who’s jet is it? Or at least, who is rich enough to be able to skip the commercial first class flights and drop thousands for a jet rental? I guess now we know…apparently, it’s Starshell’s new fiance.’ The two became engaged reportedly in 2020, when Starshell took to Instagram to announce the news with the following caption:

Starshell: YES! 💍 I have basked in every moment of our journey; meeting you, becoming your girlfriend, now your fiancé!!! And, in 2020 I am so proud, honored and completely overjoyed to become your wife.
When I met you, I found every part of me that I had been missing. I finally understand the depth of uniting Yin to Yang, Male to Female energy, King to Queen. I finally understand Completion.

You are my perfect love story and I love you endlessly.
Happy is an understatement when it comes to this New Year! #2020 #MenzWillMerger ❤️ #HappyNewYear #ifitdidnthappenoninstagramitdidnthappen 🤣”

Jets aren’t the only transportation Starshell was spotted in. She and her Dad, were posted up in front of a Rolls Royce and a Mercedes SLR McLaren, which were parked in an upscale Atlanta, GA residential neighborhood…

Starshell with her father, Coop, in Atlanta, GA [Instagram]

What Starshell Does For A Living Now

These days, Kendu’s former alleged side-chick seems to focus less on her music and more on getting her film making career poppin.’ In 2019 she wrote and produced an independent film through her company, Shaughnessy Terrace Productions, titled Dying For Likes. Starshell says the film “explores the mental and emotional health effects social media is having on us all.” Her project is set to be distributed through Lionsgate.

And by 2021, Starshell was counting her blessings with how far her career has come…


Like I said, Mary J. Blige’s former artist-turned-alleged-enemy done apparently came ALL the way up.

Mary J. Blige

All these years have gone by and most of us, Mary J. Blige fans, have been so caught up into Mary’s music, that we totally missed the fact that she has a brother- and a very musical one at that. Throughout the years, we’ve seen Mary rollin’ with her sister, Latonya Blige, on many occasions, probably because Latonya was her long time manager. We’ve also heard Mary speak on others she loves in interviews, including her Mother, Cora Blige, and close friends like Missy Elliot and Angie Martinez. But rarely have we ever heard her talk about Bruce Miller, her younger brother who is 11 years her junior.

Mary’s & Kendu’s Viral Smack Down Video Was Over Her Brother

2016 Vanity Fair Oscar Party Hosted By Graydon Carter
Mary J. Blige with her then husband, Kendu Isaacs; 2016  (Photo by Axelle/Bauer-Griffin/FilmMagic)
Mary J. Blige with then-husband, Kendu Isaaca

Turns out, Mary and Bruce are very close. So close, that if you recall that infamous viral video- when Mary slapped the hell outta her then husband, Kendu Isaacs, at a public nightclub event a few years ago- it was her brother whom that slap was about. You see, when that video went viral, websites and blogs were reporting that Mary J. must have been mad about a woman that Kendu was messing with that night. So, to clear up the untruths, Mary had her publicist tell the REAL truth- that Mary was actually heated with Kendu for getting into fist fight with Bruce.

The Blige siblings: (L to R) Latonya Blige, Bruce Blige, Mary J. Blige
The Blige siblings: (L to R) Latonya Blige, Bruce Blige, Mary J. Blige

The Mary-Kendu smack video only lasted seconds, after Mary said she had broken the two up in front of everyone in the club that night:

Via NYDailyNews: “Mary was not fighting with her husband,” said Blige spokeswoman Karynne Tencer. “Her husband and her brother got into an altercation that turned into a fight. Mary went to break up the fight.”

Although Mary revealed this at the time of the video surfacing, it kind of went over many folks’ heads, because it was the actual slap itself that millions had witnessed online, which overshadowed any explanation Mary gave afterwards. Therefore, many still didn’t know Mary had a brother at all.

Well, now we all get to meet Bruce Miller, the 42-year-old brother of Mary J. Blige. Here are a few interesting facts about him:

He’s a songwriter…Co-wrote Mary J.’s “Family Affair”

You may have spotted him in the popular 2001 video with his two sisters, Mary J. and Latoyna Blige. He co-wrote the song, “Family Affair,” for Mary and got ‘crunkable in the dancerie’ with her in the music video.

Bruce on how Mary used to beat him up & KC (of Jodeci) wanting Mary back

In an interesting interview, Corason did with ThisIs50, he spilled the beans on how Mary used to “kick my a$$…Mary can fight… She’s a good person though.” He also talked about how his family is still col with Mary’s ex, K.C. and how K.C. regrets messing things up with Mary: “He know he F’d sh*t up” with Mary,” said Corason. Watch the video below. *video contains graphic language*

He’s a rapper

He has made a name for himself in music in his own right. Aside from working behind the scenes as a songwriter, Bruce is a rap artist who also goes by his rap name, Corason the Great (a play on him being their mother, Cora Blige’s, son). Peep his 2014 video below. *video contains graphic language*

He’s a devoted husband and father

Bruce Blige with his wife, Chermia

Even though Corason is chasing his musical dreams, his number one priorities seem to be his family. He and his wife/painter artist, Cherie Amour, have three precious children- a son and 2 daughters.

Like we always say family, we learn something new ’round here everyday.

Mary J. Blige (L) with her sister, Latonya Blige, and their dad, Thomas Blige

When Mary J. Blige’s father, Thomas Blige, was severely stabbed multiple times, medical staff did not know if he’d make it through. The woman who stabbed him also had an uncertain fate, as she faced life in prison. What she ended up getting, however, shocked many.

Mary J.’s Dad Explained The Stabbing Incident…
In 2014, Mary J. Blige’s then-63-year-old father, Thomas Blige, was listed in critical condition after being stabbed with a kitchen knife in his throat, lung, and arm, by his then 50 year old girlfriend, Cheryl White. He remained hospitalized for a while and Cheryl was arrested on an ‘assault with intent to murder’ charge.

Mary J. Blige’s sister, Latonya Blige, with their dad, Thomas Blige 

The incident went down in Battle Creek, Michigan, outside of Thomas friend’s apartment at 6:59 a.m. on January 23, 2014. Thankfully, Thomas Blige made a remarkable recovery…and by the time Cheryl White’s trial in August of that same year, he was able to tell the judge how his girlfriend stabbed him:

“I was up early getting ready for school and I saw Cheryl White slashing my tires,” Thomas Blige told Judge Frank Line. “As I went to her she started slashing me. She said something out of anger like, ‘you won’t mess with me.'”

There’s More…Peep What Blige Says Happened After The Stabbing>>>

Case and Mary J. Blige in “Touch Me, Tease Me” video

R&B singer Case, who was popular in the mid ‘90s, was featured on the TV One’s  series, Unsung, where he opened up about his past relationship with a famous R&B singer.

According to Case, back in the day, he had a side chick while he was engaged to his fiancee, Nicole. It was easy to have a low-key relationship with someone because there were so social media blogs to expose their relationship. The “Touch Me, Tease Me” star was having an affair with Mary J. Blige. The two singers did a great job of keeping their relationships tight-lipped and out of the public eye.

Case shared with TV One, that while the two were collaborating in the studio, they began to collaborate outside of that as they developed a natural attraction for one another.

“It turned into a relationship probably because I was scheming the whole time. It just came from being in the studio all the time, hanging out, you know? You just kind of click with people.”

While Case tried to hide his love affair with Mary, his former fiancee, Nicole, was aware that something was going on:

“I was always suspicious of his relationship with Mary. It seemed a little too close for comfort.”

Case boldly stated that he cheated on his fiancee with Mary J. Blige.

“Actually, I did cheat on Nicole with Mary.”

Watch a clip of Case discussing his reported fling with MJB below:

Ah well…we live and we learn. Celebs aren’t perfect…that’s what makes them human, just like us regular folk and ain’t nothing wrong with that.


R&B singer Case, who was popular in the mid 90’s, was featured on the TV One’s  series, Unsung, where he opened up about his past relationship with a famous R&B singer.

According to Case, back in the day, he had a side chick while he was engaged to his fiancee, Nicole. It was easy to have a low-key relationship with someone because there were so social media blogs to expose their relationship. The “Touch Me, Tease Me” star was having an affair with Mary J. Blige. The two singers did a great job of keeping their relationships tight-lipped and out of the public eye.


Case shared with TV One, that while the two were collaborating in the studio, they began to collaborate outside of that as they developed a natural attraction for one another.

“It turned into a relationship probably because I was scheming the whole time. It just came from being in the studio all the time, hanging out, you know? You just kind of click with people.”

While Case tried to hide his love affair with Mary, his former fiancee, Nicole, was aware that something was going on:

“I was always suspicious of his relationship with Mary. It seemed a little too close for comfort.”


Case boldly stated that he cheated on his fiancee with Mary J. Blige.

“Actually, I did cheat on Nicole with Mary.”

Watch a clip of Case discussing his fling with MJB below:

Ah well…we live and we learn. Celebs aren’t perfect…that’s what makes them human, just like us regular folk and ain’t nothing wrong with that.

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Mary J. Blige is undoubtedly  the Queen of Hip Hop Soul. Since her 1992 debut she has consistently provided chart topping hits about her loves and losses in life. As years have passed, her influence now reaches across color lines because Mary knows how to sing everyone into the feelings. Perhaps it’s because she’s a gifted writer and unique lyricist with a voice dipped in pain. Or, it could be because when it comes to love, Mary has always had a deep well of experience to draw from.

“High” Profile Relationship

When Mary first burst onto the scene in the 1990’s, it didn’t take long before she entered into a relationship with a fellow artist, K-Ci Hailey of Jodeci. The two of them entered into a relationship that, on the outside, looked like something blessed by the hip hop fairytale Gods. They even sang about their love on Mary’s classic debut album What’s The 411?


Unfortunately, Mary and K-Ci’s relationship was less than ideal. There were alleged reports of abuse and drug usage that ultimately ended their courtship. Though she was private about her relationships afterwards, eventually Mary married her manager Martin ‘Kendu’ Isaacs. Just as she did with K-Ci, to celebrate the love she had for Kendu, she put her feelings to words with her hit song ‘Be Without You’


Once again, as we all have recently witnessed, this relationship was not the one. Last year we reported on the issues taking place within her and Kendu’s marriage, which ultimately ended in divorce. Now newly single, Mary is speaking out on the pain she went through and how she’s moving on after her marriage fell apart.

Next Page: Mary Is Moving On

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After watching the BET Awards last night (or as much as I could stomach of it), there were two things that were re-affirmed for me: (1) The award show itself is still produced with great quality; (2) BUT most of the new talent presented on the show has taken an all time dive -or better yet- a plummet to the depths of the earth.

It’s no secret that a large portion of today’s ‘mainstream’ music tends to oftentimes sound like hot garbage that can destroy our kids’ brain cells by the millisecond. It’s also no secret that there are still some very talented artists out there who are being recognized for their work as well…thankfully.

That brings us to the latest debate and controversy regarding newcomer rapper, Cardi B, versus Jay Z, Beyoncé, and several other artists. Mary J. Blige had a lil’ somethin’ to say about this too, but we’ll get to that, as well as her epic performance, in a sec.’…

But First…Why Fans Are Pissed Off…

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In case y’all haven’t heard, Cardi B won the ‘Album of the Year’ BET Award for her debut album, “Invasion of Privacy.” Nominated in that same category were Meek Mill’s  “Championship,” Travis Scott’s “Astroworld,” Ella Mai’s self-titled album, and Jay Z & Beyonce’s “Everything Is Love” album.

All of the aforementioned artists are arguably more seasoned artists than Cardi B, and also had major hits off of their nominated albums. Thus, the reason why many fans are hella pissed off with BET for granting the top spot to Cardi B.

Now See What Cardi B & Mary J. Blige Had To Say About This>>>