Shortly after Prince’s death, more than 700 people claimed to be related to him, but now the list has been cut drastically. However, that doesn’t mean the battle is over. ILOSM fam, you probably remember all of the people claiming to be Prince’s children, but now people are claiming to be his half siblings.
According to People magazine, a current list of the alleged “heirs” has been revealed. Of course, the list includes Prince’s parents children and their legitimate offspring who are entitled. Those people include Tyka Nelson, Sharon Nelson, Norrine Nelson, John R. Nelson, Alfred Jackson, Omar Baker, Brianna Nelson, and Victoria Nelson.
Fourteen descendants also filed a notice of heirship on June 14. “I have an interest in this matter based on my being a descendant of Virginia Nelson (Thompson) the sibling of the decedent’s great-grandfather, Clarence Nelson,” the document said. Their names are: April Lashaun Seward, Martha Samuels, James Austin Womack, Priscilla Williams, Lorraine M. Huddlestom, Dana Samuels Nettles, Jonette M. Carter and Michael Samuels.
But, then there are some names on the list that will leave you scratching your head. Some of these people have definitely come out of the wood works to stake a claim for a portion of the $300 million estate. While some of the claims are quite outlandish, there are others that may be legitimate. You’ll have to read some of them to believe it.
Here’s the full list

#1. Tyka Nelson is Prince’s only full sibling, Tyka Nelson, was the first to file court documents on April 26, submitting a petition for formal appointment of special administrator five days after her brother’s death.
#2. Sharon Nelson was born in 1940, Sharon is the oldest half-sister from the first marriage of Prince’s father.
#3. Norrine Nelson is one of five half-siblings listed on initial court documents about the case, Norrine has a strong claim on the singer’s estate.
#4. John R. Nelson is Prince’s oldest half-brother, born in 1944 to Prince’s father and his first wife.
#5. Omarr Baker is Prince’s younger half -brother, the son of his mother and stepfather. The nature of his relationship with Prince in recent years is unknown, although his home in a Minneapolis suburb was reportedly owned by the superstar.

#6. Alfred Nelson. Prince’s mother gave birth to his older half-brother, Alfred, during an earlier relationship.
#7. Darcell Gresham Johnston claims to be Prince’s “long-lost have sister”.
#8. Norman Yates Carthens insists he’s Prince’s adoptive son.
#9. Regina L. Sorenson claims to be a “half-sibling” and “business partner” of Prince’s. She insists she’s the daughter of Prince’s father, and that she and Prince were removed from the Nelson household after suffering “severe abuse” at the hands of their older siblings. The claims have yet to be confirmed or denied because Prince didn’t share much of his personal life with the public.
#10. Kimberly Felecia Potts claims she should be credited for Prince’s 2004 album, Musicology and she’s seeking $500,000. R. Kerr claims Prince owed her $46,582.29 for “recording cost, post production, equipment rental.”
#11. General Dr. Karolina R. Kennedy Ferrara (A.K.A. Maleika S. Mosley) has filed a claim seeking a whopping $750 million from the Purple One’s estate. This woman, who has had several aliases over the years claims she’s been fighting to receive compensation from Prince since the 80s for her “post-Civil Rights Movement Sociopolitical Hostage Crisis.”
#12. Rodney Herachio Dixon claims Prince gave him ownership of his music catalog and vault of unreleased recordings through a verbal agreement. Of course, such a claim would be quite hard to prove in court since there is no way to provide evidence that the agreement was made.
#13. Catherine Bellante, a treasurer in Highland Heights, OH claims she’s owed $256,010.89 for services provided from Nov. 13, 2014 to May 16, 2015. Bellante also state that she has invoices to support her claims.
#14. Dr. Roskco A. Motes claims to be another one of Prince’s half brother.
At this point, it looks like Prince’s estate could be tied up for years with all the claims that have to be confirmed or refuted.
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