Magic Johnson's Daughter Escapes Armed Robbers In Home Invasion, Reveals Serious Scars on Body

Magic Johnson’s Daughter Escapes Armed Robbers In Home Invasion, Reveals Serious Scars on Body

Elisa Johnson, Magic’s Daughter, Escapes Armed Robbers

Elisa Johnson, Instagram

Home invaders are among the most psychopathically deranged criminals on Earth. They have no concern for the sanctity of your privacy and absolutely no respect for your life. They have no reservations on the most heinous of behavior toward their captives, and little fear, if any at all, of consequences.

These are usually perpetrated during daylight hours and the victims are always caught ‘off guard’ in the semi-privacy of their property, but nevertheless completely unprepared for the attack.

Recall–Late last year, Elisa Johnson, the 23-year-old daughter of NBA Hall of Famer Magic Johnson, escaped from scary home invasion when she had been staying in the San Fernando Valley Airbnb house with ten of her close friends. Two men got inside and reportedly held the occupants at gunpoint. Reportedly, the robbers stole about $30,000 to $40,000 worth of jewelry and electronics and fled before police arrived on scene.

According TheJasmineBrand, it was unclear how the men got inside the home. Luckily, no one was seriously injured. However, Elisa sustained some scars when she escaped to safety through a sliding glass door in the back of the home.   In a photo she recently posted to Instagram, Elisa proudly shows off the scars she suffered during the attack.

Next Page: See The Pic of her scars >>>

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