Pimp Fillmore Slim Accused Whoopi Goldberg Of Almost Taking His Life During Heated Dispute

Pimp Fillmore Slim Accused Whoopi Goldberg Of Almost Taking His Life During Heated Dispute

Fillmore Slim; Whoopi Goldberg

When it comes to the legendary Whoopi Goldberg, the world pretty much knows her as the hilarious comedian, renowned actress, and take-no-mess lead co-host of The View talk show. Although she’s all of the above, there’s another side to Whoopi that isn’t widely known to mainstream media, yet well respected in the underworld amongst those who knew her personally…before the fame. Don’t take our word for it though, just ask Fillmore Slim- who’s considered a ‘legend’ in the streets, as a popular pimp from back in the day, turned blues singer.

Whoopi may be the last person you’d expect to be mentioned in the same sentence as a pimp, with her widely known feminist views and fight for women’s rights. Apparently, in the ’70s and ’80s, she still lived by those same principles. Fillmore Slim learned that lesson the hard way, according to what he exposed decades later about his violent encounter with Whoopi….

What Went Down Between Whoopi & Fillmore Slim?

Fillmore Slim [Vlad TV]
Former Pimp Tells Why Whoopi Pulled A Rifle On Him

In an interview with Vlad TV, Fillmore Slim claims Whoopi damn near canceled him from this earth after their random meeting outside of a San Francisco, CA motel.

Fillmore Slim: “We had a incident – this was before she [Whoopi Goldberg] was a star- and she was down there [in pimp territory in San Francisco, CA] and had this big house. …She was studying to be a actress. She didn’t know me and I didn’t know her.”

Fillmore says he and Whoopi got into an argument when Whoopi tried to use the pay phone he was occupying at the time. He alludes to pimp slapping Whoopi…or something of the sort:

“Whoopi Goldberg, ya know…she was dressed like a militant at the time. And she didn’t know who I was and that I was from San Francisco. So we had a misunderstanding about the telephone….and uh…the argument got a lil’ heated. And me being pimpin,’ I had to straighten her out.”

FYI: Pimps used pay phones to communicate with their prostitutes and potential customers on a daily basis back then. Since Fillmore had major street clout in San Francisco, it’s presumed that whenever he and his girls were working the area, folks knew not to mess with him, nor the pay phone he stood near. BUT, Fillmore was NOT prepared for what Whoopi did next…

After He “Straightened Her Out,” Fillmore Slim Realized He Misjudged Whoopi

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Fillmore Slim says he remained by the pay phone, as he watched Whoopi go back home. Assuming she was going to get “her man,” he stood by, ready for a battle with the dude:

“She [Whoopi] went back home and I thought she was going to get her man -I ain’t know who she was. Ya know, she was dressed militant…like she was in the army or something. … So I thought she was going get her man in the motel, [which] I was staying at on the bottom floor.

The phone booth was right there, so I was on my knee, looking at the phone booth with my pistol, because I didn’t know who she was going to get. [So I was] gon’ go outside and talk to the gentlemen.”

Fillmore was shocked when he saw Whoopi come back alone:

“She came back…but she had a rifle up under her coat and she was walking ‘round looking for me, looking for me.”

What happened when he ran into Whoopi the next day:

“So the next day I saw [Whoopi] at the supermarket where the actors go, up there on Holland [Ave.]. I said uh, ‘How you doing? You was gon’ shoot me, wasn’t you?’ She said ‘Yeah, I was pretty MAD at you!’”

I said, ‘But sista we both from the Bay Area, I’m from San Francisco too.’ …Ya know, we shined that off…we hugged each other and that was that. No malices.”

I guess Fillmore Slim learned that day- that not ALL women are “prostitutes” that he can just slap around without consequences and repercussions. Whoopi made that point very clear.

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