He Became A Sex-Symbol R&B Singer Who's No Stranger To R&B Beef

He Became A Sex-Symbol R&B Singer Who’s No Stranger To R&B Beef

This kid grew up to become an R&B singer who has sold about 7 million albums throughout his career, he’s had the ladies fainting over him ever since he stepped into the music game, and his R&B jams still pack the dance floor in nightclubs for grown folks.

He’s also had his fair share of beef in the R&B world; and he and his former celebrity wife of many years divorced a few yeas ago. One other thing, he has several kids. Okay people, those are all of the hints we’re gonna give up on this one. Take a good look at the kid’s face and then get your scroll-on to see if your guess was on point…

He’s None Other Than…

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It’s “Pony” singer and TGT member, Ginuwine! Make some noise if you got this one right! The afro may have thrown some folks off, but his face still has some of the same characteristics.

We told you it was a singer who a lot of you ladies lose it over.

Speaking of Ginuwine, the past decade or so has been a roller coaster ride for him. Things were looking way up for him and his TGT group members, Tyrese and Tank, when they released their 2013 debut album, “Three Kings.” They were bringing grown folks music back to the forefront and their fans were loving it. For a minute, they were able to ride the wave and make folks take notice.

By spring of 2014, Ginuwine’s then-wife of 12 years – rapper, Sole’- filed for divorce.  As if that wasn’t bad enough, Ginuwine unfortunately had to file bankruptcy in November of 2014. On July 22, 2015 Ginuwine’s opening lyrics to his ’90s hit, “Pony,” where he sings “I’m just a bachelor, I’m looking for a partner, someone who knows how to ride, without even falling off,” became a reality…because the judge signed off on Ginuwine and Sole’s divorce papers and the seal on his marriage officially fell off of that ride. Then Sole’ married Public Enemy’s, Professor Griff, in 2017.

And of course we can’t forget about the infamous blow up on social media, that was sparked when Tyrese posted a public and lengthy announcement to his fans on Instagram, subtly implying that Ginuwine was the cause for the TGT breakup. Ginuwine blasted back on IG and said that he would tell folks the real deal about how Tyrese was a acting like a “diva” behind the scenes, if Tyrese didn’t stop trying to make fans think it was the other way around.

So now we’re here, and it seems that any hopes of a TGT reunion looks bleak. But the good news is that all three members- Ginuwine, Tank, and Tyrese -are still continuing to do their solo thing, which is cool because the R&B game still desperately needs real singers like them in it. I just think their impact would have been stronger in numbers, instead of solo, but oh well.
Ginuwine is booked n’ busy, and in between his concert gigs he’s spending a lot of time with his kids, supporting their dreams as well. His son is an up-and-coming rapper who says his dad gives him a lot of advice on how to get his career poppin’ in this new digital era. Good for him and uh…don’t keep your fingers crossed for a TGT reunion.

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