Chaka Never Wants To Marry, But The Younger Celeb She Would've Loved To Date Stunned Many

Chaka Never Wants To Marry, But The Younger Celeb She Would’ve Loved To Date Stunned Many

One look at Chaka Khan, who turned 68 in March (2021), and one would think that she should have no problem getting and keeping a man. She’s a self driven, successful woman and not to mention she’s incredibly gorgeous. Now, of course Chaka comes with a little baggage- she’d be the first to admit that, but who doesn’t right?

That brings us to our next point- Why in the world does Chaka think “no man in his right mind would ever want to date her”? That’s exactly what she revealed in a interview and she also revealed that although she does not want to get married, there is one celebrity, who’s a lot younger than her, that she would love to go on a date with. Check out everything she had to say below…

Chaka On Her Two Failed Marriages & Men With Money

Chaka was married twice- once in 1970 at the age of 17, to Hassan Khan (they divorced soon after); and once to Richard Holland in 1976- with the last one ending very badly, she ended up shooting at him…while 8 months pregnant. Chaka is now like ‘hell no’ when it comes to ever marrying again. Here’s why:

“I’ve been married twice. Both times I was constantly wondering which person they loved: Chaka Khan or the real me – Yvette Stevens. It would take a man of biblical proportions for me to marry again. I don’t have time for a man unless he can bring something big to the table, like a huge amount of money.” -Chaka Khan, via The Guardian

Why Her Biggest Fear In Life Is Being In A Relationship

When asked what she most feared in life Chaka said this:

“Being in a relationship, because it renders one so helpless. You’re so vulnerable. I don’t know if I’m ready for that to happen again. Being in a couple is a lot of work. No man in his right mind would want to be married to someone like me. I can understand that. I’ve tried it a couple of times, and I get it. I can’t even have a pet.” -Chaka, via MailOnline

But remember we mentioned that there is one celebrity who can get her to reconsider the whole dating thing at 65?


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The man Chaka is diggin’ is none other than 48 year old actor, Idris Elba! Check out what Chaka said about him when asked who would be her dream date. FYI- Her interview was BEFORE Idris was married:

“The actor Idris Elba. I think he’s adorable. I loved him in the film ‘Mandela.’ You glean certain things from people on screen. Actors have to be great liars to do their job. But I can glean from Idris that he is a very good human being and a lovely looking man.” -Chaka, MailOnline

We’re not sure if Idris is into older women, but the brotha definitely has a type and Ms. Chaka fits it perfectly. Idris has stated several times that he likes thicka-than-a-snicka sisters with ‘meat on their bones.’ Although Chaka’s lost some weight in recent years, she has never lost those bangin’ curves. All of that is irrelevant now though, because Idris is enjoying his new beautiful, thicka-than-snicka fiancee, Sabrina Dhowre. FYI: To Chaka’s credit, she admitted her crush on Id’ BEFORE he was a soon-to-be-married man.

On a side note, there was one other interesting thing Chaka said in her interview about today’s music industry…

Chaka On New Female Artists Using Their ‘Big Booties’ To Land Record Deals

As always, Chaka Khan kept it 100% real not just about herself, but about other artists as well:

“Everything comes too easy for people in the music business now – even the untalented. It’s a sad state when a large behind gets you a record deal.” -Chaka, via The Guardian

And BOOM! Tell it like it is Chaka!

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