Janet’s Photo Of Sister Rebbie Once Sparked Odd Mass Confusion For Millennials

Janet Jackson

Janet Jackson and her big sister, Rebbie Jackson, had youngins confused, and proud old schoolers were frustrated as a result. A while back, the Jackson sisters shared a photo of themselves together backstage at the Billboard Music Awards, which had everybody talking.

You see, we Old Schoolers can name all nine of the Jackson family siblings without even flinching. But when it comes to these new-aged millennials, it’s a whole ‘notha story…and that became even more evident after Janet and Rebbie shared their photo.

Youngins Were Confused About Rebbie Jackson

When Janet and Rebbie’s beautiful age-defying photo was originally re-shared on The ShadeRoom, millennials began to wonder who in the world Rebbie was.

Now granted, Rebbie’s last hit was “Centipede,” in the mid-1980s, so the youngins were not even born at that time. However, not only is Rebbie the sibling of the largest entertainer of all time, Michael Jackson; she’s also part of the most legendary family in the history of music.

The Picture That Sparked Mass Confusion

via ShadeRoom Instagram

One would think the millennial generation and gen X’ers would at least know Janet has a sister named Rebbie. But many of them did not have a clue she existed and proceeded to express their confusion about Rebbie online. Meanwhile, the more seasoned generations tried to enlighten them about her:

_jus***: Every time I turn around it’s a Jackson I never heard of lol

m.mim***: you must be young. She’s not a new sibling she just keeps away from the spot light

bohemian*****: That’s probably Janet’s mama lol!…black don’t crack.

bbutterscotc*****: Thought that was her mom

thirstfo*****: What I thought it was only one sister and it’s Janet … wtd

mybossl****: how old are you lol

krystels****: y’all ain’t never heard Rebbies song “Centipede”

iaintnobodie****: cause they just toke the pamper off you not to long Ago.

hevelvetrop*****: Don’t EVER say you’re a fan of MJ if you don’t even know who his oldest sister is. Man y’all are a sad case. 🚮

fwhyte****: Wait…. they have another sister 😳

grindtimesl*****: were u born in the 90s? Your generation is so far removed it’s crazy!

Embed from Getty Images

Mass Confusion For the Youngins’

As y’all can see, Janet and Rebbie caused mass confusion for the youngins. Their confusion was equally as comical, as it is a dose of reality– that today’s generation lacks a great deal of knowledge about the days of music icons who paved the way for today’s artists.

Some millennials and gen-X’ers may believe R&B started with Chris Brown and hip hop started with Lil Wayne. Can’t really place blame on the younger generations though. They’re just the result of the re-programming that major mainstream music outlets have inflicted on young folks for quite some time, by dumbing down the music they push in the media. A sad reality indeed.

Anywho, the good news is that Janet and her big sis,’ Rebbie, are still out here lookin’ GOOD at 55 and 71!

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