'I Wasn't A Good Dad': Lionel Richie Recalls Scary Moment He Forced Daughter To Quit Drugs

‘I Wasn’t A Good Dad’: Lionel Richie Recalls Scary Moment He Forced Daughter To Quit Drugs

Nicole Richie and Lionel Richie

Lionel Richie and his daughter, Nicole Richie, share a common personality trait- their openness with the public about their personal lives…even the not-so-pretty-details. And the time that they both opened up about how Lionel ultimately was able to get Nicole to kick her addiction to cocaine and heroin, is no different…


Lionel Richie’s method to get Nicole off of heroin took a great deal of persistence and an equally terrifying amount of patience as a parent. In 2003, Nicole was arrested for heroin possession. In a prior interview with Piers Morgan, Lionel explained how he used the drug-fueled death of three of his friends and two of Nicole’s friends to finally wake her up:

Lionel Richie: “I went to [Nicole] and I said, ‘When I was growing up I lost three friends, they were the hippest friends I ever knew in life . . . I said, ‘It’s going to happen to your generation. I don’t want you to be in that list of three.’ Three months later her friend died of an overdose and I went back to her and very quietly, I said, ‘I am sorry to hear that, that’s one.’ And sure enough, one year later the second one died and I said, ‘That’s two’ and I got a phone call and she said, ‘Dad I need help, I don’t want to be the third one.'” -Lionel Richie


Lionel was about to kick off a huge tour at the time Nicole called him for help and this is what he and then-wife Brenda Richie, did next to help their child:

LR: “I said [to Nicole], ‘I am with you’ and I canceled [my] tour. I said, ‘Me and your mother [Brenda Richie]’ — who didn’t get along that well — ‘Me and your mother are checking into rehab with you.'”

Brenda Richie and ex-husband, Lionel Richie, with daughter, Nicole Richie

In a people Magazine interview, Nicole detailed what it was like for her to make the decision to quit drug usage altogether:

“I got so much so fast that nothing really excited me anymore. I kind of took matters into my own hands and was creating drama in a very dangerous way. I think I was just bored, and I had seen everything – especially when you’re young, you just want more. At 18 I had just been doing a lot of cocaine.”

By her early 20’s she was addicted to heroin and this is what she says she told herself:

“This isn’t the life … this was heroin.” …”[Now] I’m happy for the things I have accomplished. I’m happy I’m not in that state anymore.”

Lionel Richie admitted that he once thought the role of a dad was to be a provider, so he always made sure he performed and toured to bring home the bread. But after seeing what Nicole went through, he confessed “I think I wasn’t a good dad.”

In response to Lionel’s confession, Nicole stated:

“I never blamed him. I think he blamed himself. It was very humble of my dad to come forward and say, ‘I made a mistake.’ I love him for that.”

This is so inspirational to any parents out there who may be disconnected from their children. It’s never too late to admit your wrongs and try to do right by your child. We applaud Lionel and Nicole Richie for their willingness to share their flaws and vulnerabilities from both ends of the spectrum.

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