James Brown's Son Shared Generous Gesture Hammer Did For Brown After His Prison Release

James Brown’s Son Shared Generous Gesture Hammer Did For Brown After His Prison Release

Inset photo: James Brown; (R) MC Hammer

MC Hammer once gave James Brown a lot of money and James Brown’s son, Darryl Brown, revealed the reasons behind that.

We all know that James Brown had a major influence on a plethora of artists with his style of dancing, showmanship, and fashion sense. Everyone from Michael Jackson, Prince and of course, MC Hammer, took pages out of The Godfather of Soul’s handbook and because of his influence, Hammer showed his deep gratitude by doing what James Brown’s son, Darryl Brown, (pictured below playing guitar, with Hammer) explained in his book, “Inside the Godfather of Soul: Never Before Told Stories by James Brown”:

Via WWD– MC Hammer was another big fan [of James Brown], giving him $300,000 when Brown was released from jail in 1990. Daryl Brown (James’ son) said, “He [Hammer] did it because he just loved James Brown. He has said if it wasn’t for James Brown, he wouldn’t be here — the music, the dancing everything.”

Wow! That was extremely honorable of Hammer to do that for Brown!

James Brown unselfishly sharing his gifts with the world is like the gift that keeps on giving. Because James Brown gave, other people saw that and in turn, wanted to give back to him, and as a result, his son saw that and in turn, will probably give to someone else. It then starts to become like a snowball effect that keeps building into a bigger movement that effects more people’s lives as time goes on. The core of this is to recognize the gift and not be selfish with it.

This just goes to show us that James Brown’s unselfish sharing of his gifts with the world, is like the gift that keeps on giving. Because of the fact that Mr. Brown gave, other people saw that, and in turn, wanted to give back to him out of sheer gratitude. Also as a result of James being such a giving person, his son, Darryl, possibly learned to have that type of generosity toward others and in turn, will probably give to someone else.

MC Hammer and James Brown

Brown’s generosity then starts to become like a snowball effect that keeps building into a bigger movement that effects more people’s lives as time goes on. The core of this is to recognize the gift and to not be selfish with it. We all have gifts that matter and can help to continue to push humanity and society forward, it’s up to us to recognize our gifts and share them with the next person. Major props and a huge THANK YOU to the late, great “Godfather of Soul” for being a great example of that.

Check out a few videos of artists who were influenced by Mr. Brown at work…

The Jackson’s 1968 audition tape for Motown Records. Michael performed James Brown’s “I Got The Feeling” and killed it!

Classic Michael Jackson and Usher performance. This is a clear example of James Brown’s direct and indirect influence on other artists. Usher patterned his dance moves after MJ and MJ patterned a lot of his style after Brown….

Like we said earlier, James Brown’s gift is the gift that keeps on giving.

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