Raven-Symoné Confessed What She Was Forced To Do To Hide Being Lesbian Since Childhood

Raven-Symoné Confessed What She Was Forced To Do To Hide Being Lesbian Since Childhood

Raven Symone

Raven-Symoné opened up about what it was like for her to grow up as a homosexual child actress, and the many struggles she faced in Hollywood because of it. She also revealed on ET’s ‘It Got Better’ series, what she was forced to do in desperate attempts to hide her sexuality from the world, and why she was forced to do so. Simply put, while we were all gushing over the adorable little child star on our TV screens back in the day, Raven was silently struggling with her sexuality throughout her life, ever since she was that adorable child.

We’re happy that Raven decided to share her story because she’s helping so many other young people out there who are struggling with their sexuality and fear of being themselves.

Why It Was Difficult For Raven To Come Out

Ever since 36-year-old Raven was a 4 year old kid star, she said she’s had a team of people in the industry telling her what and how to be. So although she knew she was gay since she was 12 (well, she actually kind of knew between the ages of about 9-10 years old, but she was 100% certain by 12), the pressure made her FORCE herself to date guys and be intimate with them, while compromising herself and her true sexuality, in an attempt to hide it from the world and ‘protect the Raven-Symoné brand.’ Raven confessed that she’d planned to take her sexuality secret to the grave and just marry a man, while having a girlfriend on the side so she could be happy. But after coming out, she felt free:

“I didn’t have to have a ‘beard.’ I didn’t have to have a man standing by me,” she says. “I felt lighter, I felt like I could go out and not have to put on 17 different hats to be myself,” says Raven.

It wasn’t until Raven stepped away from the industry, went to college, and fell in love with (her now ex-girlfriend) model/former “Empire” actress, Azmarie, that she stopped caring about what everyone thought. At 27 Raven officially came out publicly as a proud lesbian woman and shocked the world. Good for her.


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Raven eventually told her parents that she was gay once she became an adult and she says they had mixed reactions. Her dad told her he always thought she was and her mom is still struggling with it to this day, kind of hoping that Raven is in a “phase.” Raven is 100% sure that she is not.

Meet Raven-Symoné’S Wife

These days, Raven is enjoying life with her wife, Miranda. The two have been focusing on Raven’s music career, documenting their lengthy road trips online, and building content for their Youtube channel. Check out the recent update they gave on Instagram:


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