Jussie Smollett Gives Loud Outburst After Judge Sentences Him To Jail For 'Attack Hoax'

Jussie Smollett Gives Loud Outburst After Judge Sentences Him To Jail For ‘Attack Hoax’

Jussie Smollett

It was January 2020 when then-“Empire” star, Jussie Smollett, claimed he was attacked by two presumably white dudes in the late night hours, as he was walking back to his Chicago condo from a local Subway restaurant. As you all know, at that time, Jussie told Chicago PD that the men yelled racial and homophobic slurs to him as they tied a noose around his neck and poured bleach on him before running away. It was only a matter of time before two Nigerian brothers – Abel and Ola Osundairo – claimed Jussie paid them to stage the whole thing. They’d also stated that they were close acquaintances of Jussie’s and met him when they were extras on “Empire.”

Well, fast forward to today (March 10, 2022)…and Jussie has just been sentenced for the crime. He didn’t go to jail without a bang though. According to reports, he had a loud outburst, which was directed toward the judge, moments after learning his fate. Details are below.

Jussie’s Sentencing And Outburst In Courtroom

According to the Associated Press, Chicago Judge James Linn sentenced Jussie to 150 days in the county jail and 30 months of felony probation for the ‘racial/homophobic attack hoax’…ordering Jussie to pay $120,106 in restitution to the city of Chicago, plus a $25,000 fine. In addition to the sentence, Judge Linn also ordered Jussie to be immediately hauled off to jail to begin doing his time.

Soon after the judge handed down the sentence, Jussie — who declined the opportunity to speak prior to the judge’s ruling — stood up and loudly made some bold statements:

Via AP – “If I did this, then it means that I stuck my fist in the fears of Black Americans in this country for over 400 years and the fears of the LGBT community,” Smollett said, standing up at the defense table as his lawyers and sheriff’s deputies surrounded him. “Your Honor, I respect you and I respect the jury but I did not do this. And I am not suicidal. And if anything happens to me when I go in there, I did not do it to myself. And you must all know that.”

As deputies led him from the courtroom, Smollett shouted out again.

“I am innocent,” he yelled, raising his first. “I could have said I am guilty a long time ago.”

Jussie Smollett’s Family Members Asked Judge For Leniency

Prior to the judge handing down his sentencing, prosecutors asked the judge to give Jussie “an appropriate amount of prison time.” While Jussie’s attorneys and family members appeared in court to ask the judge to instead show Jussie mercy.

Jussie’s 92-year-old grandmother, Molly Smollett, said to the judge, “I ask you, judge, not to send him to prison. … If you do, send me along with him, OK?”

Judge Expressed His Discontent With Jussie’s ‘Narcissism And Hypocrisy’

Jussie Smollett with family and reps outside courtroom

Via AP: Several supporters spoke about worries that Smollett would be at risk in prison, specifically mentioning his race, sexual orientation and his family’s Jewish heritage.

Linn said he did consider those requests for mercy, along with Smollett’s prior work and financial support of social justice organizations. But Linn also excoriated Smollett as a narcissist and pronounced himself astounded by his actions given the actor’s multiracial family background and ties to social justice work.

“For you now to sit here, convicted of hoaxing, hate crimes … the hypocrisy is just astounding,” Linn said.

In 2020, Jussie’s ‘racial/homophobic attack’ claims initially garnered him major support from millions of fans and celebrities alike on social media. At that time, a dozen officers, as well as the FBI worked to catch the ‘racist attackers’ Jussie claimed attacked him. However, once certain details within his story began to unravel during the weeks-long investigation, the support for Jussie transformed into online jokes and/or outrage for him reportedly trying to dupe the public.

What do you think ILOSM family: Is Jussie’s 150-day sentence, 30-month probation, $120k+ restitution fee, and $25k fine appropriate, or nah?

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