Will Smith Recalls Odd 1st Meeting With Michael Jackson & How Suge Knight 'Destroyed' It

Will Smith Recalls Odd 1st Meeting With Michael Jackson & How Suge Knight ‘Destroyed’ It

(L) Will Smith; (R) Michael Jackson

In recent years, Will Smith has been revealing lots of interesting details about his life and his encounters with other colorful celebrities. This go ’round the rap/acting legend detailed what happened when he first met Michael Jackson. It is hilarious and awkward at the same damn time and it also involved Death Row Records founder, Suge Knight.

How He Met Mike & What Suge Had To Do With It

In his Youtube video, Will Smith said that Suge Knight is both to blame and to thank for him meeting his idol, Michael Jackson. Before fully revealing what happened, Will joked, “he still in jail, right?” referring to Suge who’s currently locked up for a 2015 hit and run incident. Will added that he just wanted to “make sure Suge is still in jail if I’m going to tell this story.”

Anywho, Will said he met Michael Jackson at the BET Awards back in the day, except instead of meeting him the way he attempted to- by walking over to him in the crowd- he met MJ in a dark, musty broom closet backstage. The reason being is because just as Will was about to go over to introduce himself to MJ, Will said Suge Knight started a big fight in the audience and caused mass mayhem.

Will explained that as the crowd begin to run for their lives, his bodyguard had to act quickly. “He opens the door and he shoves me into this dirty a$$ utility closet,” said Smith.

Recalling how he was standing in the funky closet, spooked and listening out for gunshots, as masses of people ran past the door, Will says he suddenly heard a high pitched voice say “Hey.” Lo and behold, it was Michael Jackson who, along with his bodyguards had been standing behind him in that dark closet the entire time. Apparently, MJ’s security also rushed him off to the nearest hideout they could find while Suge and his people were out there cuttin’ up.

Needless to say, Will did not want to meet MJ under those circumstances, but what happened next was even more bizarre and hilarious. As he tried to get over the shock that THE Michael Jackson was standing right there in front of him, Will said MJ asked him what he thought was going on outside the door. By then, the Fresh Prince star said he was nervous as hell, but trying to keep his cool in front of MJ, so all he could think to say was, “Suge and ‘nem trippin.”

Michael then told him, “Suge’s always trippin,’ all that success and he can’t figure out how to be happy.” Then came the odd turn in their convo when MJ asked Will, “So you like comic books?” Will says he just went with the flow and told MJ he loved comic books. That’s when MJ put him on the spot and asked which comic books were Will’s favorite, and Will made one up on the spot, named after BBD, as in Bell, Biv, DeVoe 😆.

Following their odd Suge Knight-comic book convo, Will Smith said MJ’s bodyguards then acted like they’d ‘never heard of Fresh Prince before’ and shoved him outta the way, to get MJ out of the closet and onto safety. Y’all have got to see what else he said happened in the hilarious video above.

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