Terrence Howard Ordered To Pay Huge Tax Bill, Says 'Taxing Descendants Of Slaves Is Immoral'

Terrence Howard Ordered To Pay Huge Tax Bill, Says ‘Taxing Descendants Of Slaves Is Immoral’

Terrence Howard

Terrence Howard, the Oscar-nominated actor, has found himself in hot water with the IRS. A federal judge in Philadelphia has recently ordered him to pay a whopping $903,115 in back taxes. The IRS had been trying to collect $578,000 in income taxes from Howard for the years 2010 to 2019, and their efforts eventually led to legal action.

But it was the reason behind Howard’s strong objection to paying these taxes that caught everyone’s attention. In a heated voicemail left for the tax attorney handling his case, Howard was reportedly pissed the hell off while expressing his views on why he believed it was “immoral for the United States government to charge taxes to the descendants of slaves.”

“Four hundred years of forced labor and never receiving any compensation for it,” Howard vented in the message. “Now you have the gall to try and prosecute and charge taxes to the descendants of a broken people that you are responsible for causing the breakage.”

Terrence Howard

These strong statements highlight the deep-rooted emotions and frustrations that Howard holds regarding the historical injustices faced by African Americans. While his stance on this issue is apparently controversial, it sheds light on the ongoing discussions surrounding wealth inequality and the long-lasting effects of slavery in the United States.

This isn’t the first time Howard has encountered tax troubles. Back in 2010, the IRS placed a $1.1 million lien on his property for unpaid taxes from 2007 and 2008. And in 2019, he and his wife, Mira Pak, faced a criminal probe for tax evasion. It seems that the “Empire” OG’s financial woes have followed him throughout his career.

Terrence Howard

It’s worth noting that Howard’s recent comments about being underpaid in the entertainment industry also contribute to his frustrations. In December 2023, he spoke out about being under-compensated while working on the hit TV series “Empire.” That same year, he even filed a lawsuit against CAA (Creative Arts Agency) for breach of fiduciary duty and fraud. These financial struggles coupled with his mega tax bill have undoubtedly taken a toll on Howard.

While the court has ordered Howard to pay his outstanding taxes, this case serves as a reminder of the complex issues surrounding taxation and the lingering impact of historical injustices. So, whether one agrees with Howard’s statements or not, his words have sparked a conversation about the responsibility of governments to address systemic inequalities and ensure fair treatment for all citizens.

One thing is for sure: Regardless of how controversial Terrence’s statements may be, many African Americans certainly get where the Oscar-nominated actor is coming from, especially given the fact that the horrifying effects of slavery are still alive and well to this day, just sayin’ 🤷🏾‍♂️. Disclaimer: We do not advise skipping out on paying your taxes in any way…we all still must obey the law.

At any rate, it remains to be seen how this situation will unfold and what impact it will have on the larger discussions surrounding taxation and reparations.

Source 1; Source 2

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