The feisty, outspoken judge who’s responsible for bringing reality TV to television, Judge Joseph Wapner, of People’s Court, has passed away today (2-26-17).
Most of us, Old Schoolers remember when Judge Wapner used to take no mess in his court room and also gave passionate talks when he felt his court room visitors needed to hear it. He was the very first reality TV star when he brought his courtroom into our living rooms in 1981.
Wapner had a 12-year run on People’s Court before passing the torch to the other TV judges who have now followed in his path.
According to several reports, Judge Wapner was hospitalized for about a week prior to his passing, due to breathing complications that worsened as the days went on. By Friday of last week (2-24-17), he was sent home in Los Angeles and began receiving hospice care.
He’s survived by his wife of 70 years, Mickey Wapner, and his three children.
Our deepest condolences to the family and loved ones of Judge Joseph Wapner.
Rest easy Judge…job well done.