After Nick Gordon's Arrest, Bobby Brown Reaches Out To Nick's Allegedly Abused Girlfriend

After Nick Gordon’s Arrest, Bobby Brown Reaches Out To Nick’s Allegedly Abused Girlfriend

By now, everyone knows Nick Gordon is facing yet another run-in with the law as a result of his seemingly reckless behavior. Now that he’s been arrested for brutally attacking his girlfriend Laura Leal, yet again, Bobby Brown and his legal team are reaching out to her. Since the singer has always speculated his late daughter, Bobbi Kristina Brown, suffered abuse at the hands of Gordon, he’s hoping to intervene this time around so his new girlfriend doesn’t suffer a similar fate.

Reaching Out:

According to US WeeklyBobby Brown and his legal team have released a statement in response to Nick Gordon’s arrest over the weekend. Although there has only been speculation that Gordon was responsible for Bobbi Kristina’s death, it looks like Bobby has a different take on the situation. He seems certain Gordon is to blame for her untimely death. With his latest public statement, he definitely didn’t hold back:

“Domestic violence killed my daughter, and on March 4, 2018, the Bobbi Kristina Brown Serenity House held our first event to strike back at domestic violence. I personally would like to extend my hand to Ms. Leal and offer her services through our organization. I do not want to see any more families destroyed at the hands of domestic violence and I do not want any more women to suffer like my daughter did. We are here to assist and we hope to hear from Ms. Leal.”

Bobby B.’s attorney, Christopher Brown, also added:

“We have been informed that Nick Gordon was arrested for domestic violence of Laura Leal in Florida yesterday. We would like to speak with Ms. Leal and offer her services through the Bobbi Kristina Brown Serenity House, a not-for-profit organization designed to assist women who have been victims of domestic violence.”

History of Domestic Violence:

Since Bobbi Kristina’s highly publicized hospitalization and death, the Houston and Brown families have always insisted Nick Gordon has been to blame. Initially, there was no substantial evidence to prove that he was involved. However, it was confirmed that they’d argued and had a physical altercation the morning she was found unconscious in her bathtub. Back in June of last year, Nick Gordon was arrested for yet another incident of domestic violence that only raised more questions about Bobbi Kristina’s death.

For those who don’t know, Gordon’s recent arrest isn’t the first time he’s been accused of abusing Laura Leal. Back in June, he was arrested for allegedly attacking the same woman. But of course, Gordon has maintains his innocence. Although he’s been accused of domestic violence in one relationship and arrested multiple times for the same offense in a second relationship, Gordon claims he isn’t abusive and never has been. In fact, back in October of last year, Gordon claimed Leal was the aggressor and that he never actually hit her. “I didn’t hit her. She attacked me and ripped my shirt. She also threw a bottle at me. I just want her to leave my house.”

March 2018: Nick Gordon’s latest mugshot, following another domestic violence arrest

He went on to further explain himself and unfortunately, he appeared to have taken a subliminal jab at Bobbi Kristina to clear himself. “I was in more danger than her,” Gordon said of his current girlfriend. “Lord knows she wasn’t going to end up like [Krissy]. She doesn’t do drugs or anything like that so obviously, she can’t end up like Krissy would.”

Sadly, at the time, Leal opted to drop the charges against Gordon despite claiming she was lucky to be alive after the last alleged attack. During a joint interview, she even accepted responsibility for the incident. “I take full responsibility and that’s why charges were dropped because it really was me [to blame],” she said. “I was very drunk. I was belligerently drunk…I think after hours of arguing we were both just out of our right minds.”

The following morning, Leal went to a local hospital where she was diagnosed with a concussion; an injury she later claimed was the result of a drunken fall. “I was in fear of myself and my own anger and fear of what I can push him to. In fear you know of where our argument and hours of delusional actions, just viciousness, might go.” She added, “That’s what I really learned. I have my own issues. It’s me. And Nick has been one of the greatest people in my entire life to work through that with me. I have my own anger issues and the best friend that I have by my side is Nicholas Gordon.”

Now, less than a year later, she’s allegedly been attacked again. As a result of the latest arrest, Nick Gordon is facing charges of battery domestic violence as a result of Leal’s statement and facial injuries she reportedly suffered. Hopefully, Gordon faces consequences before a physical altercation escalates into a life-altering ordeal.

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