OJ Simpson Fires Back To Defend Himself, Following Controversy Over 'Confession' Interview

OJ Simpson Fires Back To Defend Himself, Following Controversy Over ‘Confession’ Interview

OJ Simpson just can’t seem to stay away from bad press and now he’s facing controversy yet again. Last week, OJ became a trending topic when Fox News resurrected one of his past interviews where he appeared to hypothetically confess to the murder of his ex-wife. Although OJ was acquitted on two counts of murder, in connection with the gruesome deaths of his wife Nicole Brown Simpson and Mezzaluna restaurant waiter, Ronald Goldman, there has always been speculation about the case. With the latest viral video, OJ has people giving him the side-eye yet again.

A Hypothetical Confession?:

As we previously reported, in the controversial video titled, “OJ Simpson: The Lost Confession,” OJ hypothetically discussed the murder case. While he claimed it was only a theory, many people believed his words were more of a hypothetical confession. “At that time, I think Charlie had followed this guy in, to make sure there was no problem, and he brought in the knife,” Simpson said, referring to a knife he apparently kept in his car. “I took the knife from Charlie, and to be honest, after that, I don’t remember, except I’m standing there and there’s all kinda stuff around. Blood and stuff.”

He continued, “It’s hard for me to describe it,” Simpson said. “I didn’t think anybody could be murdered the way they were without everybody covered in blood. We’ve all seen the grisly pictures after. Everything was covered, would have been covered in blood. … It was horrible. It was absolutely horrible.”

Although the rare video was filmed back in 2006, people still believe it’s relevant and that OJ may have said a bit too much. Ironically, the controversial book, “If I Did It,” was released around the same time the interview was conducted. So, did OJ really admit to committing murder? Due to all of the backlash, he’s finally decided to speak out about the situation yet again.

OJ Claps Back:

Of course, it was only a matter of time before TMZ caught up with OJ to ask him about the footage of the interview, which has gone viral again. The former NFL star claims his statement was not a confession and if there was anything to tell, he would have said it years ago…hmmm. In a nutshell, he claims the agenda behind the unearthed interview centers around ratings and money. “When people want to make money or get ratings, they’re going to pimp me. I’m going to get pimped.” He continued, “Listen, if I confessed 12 years ago, you would have heard about it 12 years ago!”

When asked if he’d watched the questionable Fox News special, OJ admitted he doesn’t tune into any program he’s featured on. “I watch nothing of me,” OJ revealed. “I didn’t watch the [FOX special] because I knew they were all haters, and people will say things that are just not true, and there’s nobody there to challenge them, and that would piss me off.”


OJ made it clear he’s completely unbothered by all the talk. “So why [watch it]? It’s a beautiful day. I’m about to go play golf. Why should I have some crap in my mind? You’ve got to let it go.” Despite OJ’s attempt to deny that he ‘confessed’ to murder on live television, many folk ain’t buying it. To many people, it looks like he ran his mouth and now he’s scrambling to do damage control. Now, everyone is asking one question: Could OJ be charged for murder, if he really did confess? Well, unfortunately, that may not be possible. Even if OJ did confess during the video, he probably still couldn’t be charged because of double jeopardy. And besides, let’s also not forget about the other possible suspect, connected to O.J., that a private investigator believes is the actual murder…Hmmm…

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