Jill Scott's Estranged Husband Loses Big In Court, Judge Slams His Demands

Jill Scott’s Estranged Husband Loses Big In Court, Judge Slams His Demands

Jill Scott and her estranged husband, Mike Dobson, have been embroiled in a heated divorce battle for months now, but it seems like the battle may finally be coming to an end. However, things aren’t exactly going according to plan for Dobson, because he won’t be getting anything outta the divorce.


The Victimized Hubby?:

Last month, ironically around the time of Valentine’s Day, Scott and Dobson faced off in court where Dobson’s attorney argued why the prenup should have been tossed out. Although Dobson does have a $58,000 salary, in addition to income from rental properties, according to Bossip, his attorney, James Cobb, insisted his client’s “various bills, like debts, rent and child support” claimed the vast majority of his income, leaving him with just a meager $100.00 a month. So I guess that’s why he was lookin’ to hit his estranged wife’s pocketbook. Atty. Cobb argued that his client was left abandoned because Scott took everything and also because of the allegedly flawed prenup Dobson claimed he signed under duress.

“So this gentleman has been just left out kind of out to – abandoned,” Dobson’s lawyer James Walker told the court last month, according to court papers obtained by the publication. “All he is trying to do is say ‘Can we resolve this quickly? Can we resolve it amicably? Can I just have the funds, first of all, to get into a place, and secondly, get a legal team aboard to hammer out all of the nuances here, in regards to the storage facility, the car and the assets that are still in the house?”

However, Jill Scott’s lawyer, Rose Palermo, argued otherwise when the two appeared in court last month. In fact, according to the court transcript, Palermo reportedly reminded Dobson of the fact that Scott gave him $20,000 when he moved out, refuting the abandonment claims: 

“She did not throw him out with nothing,” Palermo reportedly said. “She gave him $20,000 when he left. And during the – during the course of the marriage, she deposited funds into an account for his – for his benefit.”

Hol’ Up…Not So Fast:

Despite the tactics used to paint a picture of Mike Dobson as the victim, his legal team’s efforts didn’t help his case. Unfortunately for Mike, the prenup he signed has been upheld by the courts. According to EurWeb, on Monday, March 19, a Tennessee judge ruled in Jill Scott’s favor, denying Dobson’s request for her to pay $6,500 for legal fees.

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A Nasty Divorce:

The latest news follows a string of reports about Jill Scott and Mike Dobson’s nasty divorce proceedings. On September 5,2017, Scott filed for divorce, citing “irreconcilable differences” and “inappropriate marital conduct that such further cohabitation would be unsafe and improper.” While specific circumstances surrounding the divorce have yet to be revealed, there is speculation that their problems “could be anything from infidelity and verbal or physical abuse to cruel treatment and sexual impropriety” per state laws, according to Madame Noire. After the divorce filing was made public, Dobson quickly defended himself and even went so far as to call his soon-to-be ex-wife “evil.”

“She’s an evil woman. I’m telling you. It’s like what Jill Scott wants, Jill Scott gets,” he said. “People are in her ear, and if someone comes in to challenge the dumb sh-t, they made me be the bad guy and that got me outta there.”

“She’s got issues,” Dobson added. “There’s no men in that family, there’s only women. And when a man comes in, it’s like a challenge. She’s made other men look bad, but I’m not the one. I said (to her) ‘you’ve met your match.’ She likes to have men that she can control. You’re not gonna control me. What’s right is right, and what’s wrong is wrong.” Apparently, the judge agrees, which is why he ruled in Scott’s favor. Best of luck to the former lovebirds, as they go their separate ways.

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