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We have to give it singer/actor, Tyrese Gibson. After having that ferocious mental breakdown, which he later blamed on psych meds, he’s managed to spend the past few months, pretty much drama-free. Remember he was causing all kinds of problems on social media? Well, turn his book a few pages forward and our man, Ty, has resurfaced with his pregnant wife, Samantha Lee Gibson a.k.a . his “Black Queen,” and they’re stirring up the internet again. Although this time, it doesn’t seem that was they’re intentions.
They’re Nude Photo Shoot
Tyrese and Samantha are currently featured in People Magazine (see The Shade Room pics below) to proudly show off their third trimester pregnancy, as they await their little mini-me’s arrival. Now, as many of y’all may recall, during Tyrese’s prior breakdown, he’d falsely claimed his wife was pregnant and had fans giving him ‘congratulations’ messages all over social media. It wasn’t until weeks later, after he’d gotten off of his psyche meds, that the brotha revealed she wasn’t pregnant and that the drugs made him say those things.
I guess that’s why now that Samantha really IS pregnant, the Mr. and Mrs. have made sure to prove they have a precious bun in the oven this go ’round. Their new photos are pretty dope, however, fans are not letting Tyrese off the hook that easy. His prior “Black Queen” statement and indirect insults toward Black women, are now resurfacing, as a result of their new photo spread.
First, The Backstory On Tyrese’s “Black Queen” Backlash
For those of y’all who missed our prior report, here’s a quick recap: In 2017, when Tyrese announced his marriage to Samantha on social media, he referred to his wife as a “Black Queen” and the backlash he received was on level 10. Why? It’s because his wife is and looks biracial, so many of his predominantly African American female fans were offended when he gave Samantha the title of “Black Queen.” In fact that, that sparked a heated debate online and Black Twitter wasted no time slammin’ the HELL outta Tyrese.

But here’s where the backlash went from level 10 to level 1000 within minutes: Tyrese then took to Instagram and shared another lengthy post, where he ranted and criticized women who undergo procedures, such as botox and breast implants, and who also wear weaves. Tyrese then opened up a whole new can of worms with women, when he apparently compared his wife- whom he refers to as a “natural beauty”- to women who have what he calls “manufactured beauty”…thus referring to his weaves comment, etc. That’s when fans REALLY let him have it. He then came back and attempted to clear up his statements.
Fans React To New PhotoShoot
Fast forward to today and here we are…fans are now sounding off online and the new pregnancy photos have sparked another complexion debate about Tyrese’s “Black Queen”:
starg****: Tyrese and his black queen 😒🙄 lol nice pics tho
aau***: correction…his HALF black queen
yeahco****: Y’all say light skinned mix only huh all y’all from say I don’t want a wife that look like my MOTHER (black) Awww NEXTTTTT
nesu_****: he been going crazy because he got a white woman know, lol baby boy was only a film
lizzie****: I don’t care about race of his girl.. I’m just remembering the time he was talk about ‘promiscuous women’ etc etc and how women (amber rose) should dress etc yet he’s put these pics on the gram. Goes to show never let anybody dictate what you should wear feel what is comfortable to you short/ long etc etc
jenba***: Y’all can’t hate these pics are beautiful
Congrats to Tyrese and Samantha…cant wait to see their mini-me!