Akon Wants To Run For President w/Mark Zuckerberg, After Government Blocks His Company

ILOSM family, if you thought Akon was just the cat who sang “Locked Up” in 2004, then fell off the scene, think again. He may not be droppin’ musical hits these days, but he’s still making noise in the world. The Senegalese singer, has made a huge difference in the lives of millions of African people, by bringing electricity to 15 African countries through his project, Akon Lighting Africa. Now, he’s considering making a difference in the lives of millions of Americans, by possibly running for president in 2020.

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Akon (Photo by Michael Bezjian/Getty Images for The Aoki Foundation )

Although at the present moment he’s just brainstorming the idea, it’s clear to see this isn’t something he’s just thought about outta the blue, nah…he’s put a good bit of thought into his presidential dreams. See what he had to say below…

Akon’s Presidential Pitch

The Konvict Music record label CEO was stopped by paparazzi at the airport and decided to take a few minutes to pitch his bid of running against Trump in 2020…that is, if Trump doesn’t get impeached before then. While discussing all of the changes he could make for the people of America, Akon also said he would love to have billionaire Facebook founder, Mark Zuckerberg, as his Vice President. When asked how he would defeat Donald Trump, if he were to ‘hypothetically’ run against him in 2020, Akon had plenty to say…

Akon: “I would LOVE to debate Donald Trump, I’m looking forward t it. Matter of fact, man that sounded like music to my ears. If I could just be on the panel with Donald trump for one debate…I would just wanna challenge him on…all sorts of questions.”

Camera guy: Who would be your running mate?

Akon: “It’d probably be uh…Mark Zuckerberg. If I was to run for president, I would actually ask him to be my running mate. Because I think sometimes, it takes people from the outside, that really see life differently to make differences.

Now, in our president’s situation, as you can see, he’s making a HUGE difference, BUT the question is whether it’s positive, or negative.”

President Obama Speaks At The Global Entrepreneurship Summit
Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg (Photo by Justin Sullivan/Getty Images)

Another thing we found interesting, was that Akon admitted that he actually thinks Trump had what it takes to be a decent president, but that he screwed all that up with his biased views and selfish wealthy man tactics:

Akon: “I think Trump would’ve made a great president, if he made decisions for the PEOPLE.”

Akon went on to say that if Trump was “as passionate” for “the people,” as he is for his “own interests,” he would make a “great president.” However, just like much of America, Akon knows that, unfortunately, that ain’t the case for Trump and his political practices, as he has shown thus far.

Overall, Akon’s presidential dream may (or may not) be just wishful thinking on his part, but hey, at least the brotha has ambitions in life.

Akon Reveals How Government Blocked Him From Restoring Power To Puerto Rico

Speaking of Akon and the government, he recently revealed that his company, Akon Lighting Africa, was blocked by the U.S. government in their quest to restore power back to Puerto Rico, following the disastrous Hurricane Maria. Instead, the job was granted to a far less experienced company, reportedly connected to Trump.

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U.S. President Donald Trump  (Photo by Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images)

As The Black Loop previously reported:
By now, everyone knows Puerto Rico faced a brutal hurricane season last year and citizens are still struggling to recover. In fact, many areas of Puerto Rico remain without lights. Although Puerto Rico is part of the United States, unfortunately, the government has failed to provide the same type of disaster relief effort it has for others states such as Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, and Florida. When TMZ caught up with Akon, he was asked about the ongoing problems in Puerto Rico and what he revealed has sparked a media firestorm. The singer turned businessman revealed he could have restored power in Puerto Rico some time ago but the government shut down his efforts. After presenting the government with a promising program that could have worked in Puerto Rico’s favor, his bid was rejected.

“We actually presented a program for Puerto Rico and we got rejected,” Akon told TMZ. “We have the solution for Puerto Rico, clearly. We would’ve had power up in less than 30 days and they rejected us.”

March 2018 made six months since Hurricane Maria devastated Puerto Rico and 11% of the population are still without power. As of January 2018, it was a staggering 50% who were without power.

According to the Huffington Post, the $300 million contract was initially given to a small Montana-based energy company known as Whitefish Energy. Despite the company’s reported lack of experience, the massive contract was granted which raised speculation of conflicting interests. Many speculated the company had ties to the Trump administration. The company was also accused of “lack of transparency” during the contract bidding process. Due to all of these factors, Puerto Rico ultimately canceled the contract, which further delayed the restoration of power. Even Akon admitted that he believes his company was rejected due to “politics, special interest and propaganda.” He also gave a brutally honest opinion of the government’s interests. “They don’t care about the people,” he added. “If that were the case, then they would have allowed us to go in and provide the solution.”

Not Just A Singer, But A Businessman On Many Levels

Akon has become a successful businessman over the years. In addition to his multi-platinum selling record label, Konvict Music, he also owns a profitable diamond mine in South Africa. He also owns an oil refinery company. According to Forbes, so far the Akon Lighting Africa project is responsible for “100,000 solar street lamps installed across 480 communities in 15 countries, along with 1,200 solar micro-grids and 5,500 indirect jobs created.”

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