Al B Sure Gives Potent Message From Hospital Bed, Days After Removing "Fake" People From His Life

Al B Sure Gives Potent Message From Hospital Bed, Days After Removing “Fake” People From His Life

Ever since Al B. Sure turned 50 in June 2018, he says he’s made it his mission to change up a few things in his life that are detrimental to him physically and emotionally. Apparently, that means he’s taking control of his health, as well as eliminating everyone in his circle, who fall under the categories of gold diggers, betrayers, money grubbers, backstabbers, etc. Early Friday (July 13) the R&B legend addressed both issues from the hospital bed he’s currently in.

Al B. Sure’s Message On Surgery Day

Al B. took to social media to thank his fans for prayers and encouraging words on Friday morning, as he headed into surgery. While seemingly high off of anesthesia and whatnot, Al B. dazingly looked into the camera and said, “God Bless you,” to his fans. Seeing as how the brotha was clearly prepped for surgery, those words were appreciated, yet it was his caption that was more potent. In his caption, he let fans know how grateful he is for the support and reminded everyone that he’s staying true to the 50 year old goal that he previously set for himself- to take care of him first and stop putting others before him.

officialalbsure:”When you wake up & finally start paying attention to what, who’s truly important & worth your efforts, make certain that one of the 1st 2 faces you see in your mirror is your own. Don’t waste feelings & flowers 💐 on indecision. Msg received loud and clear. Going in to fix Me! Coming out (God Willing) with a new perspective. #50 #StayWoke #GodBless #DontCallitaComeBack I’ve been here for years. Just Updating my Software for #Part2 Get Ready! #Health #Fitness #Wellness #ChangeYourCircle #ChangeYourLife Thank YOU for your prayers and well wishes🙏🏽 … The Show Must Go On for another 20 Years… 🖥 #OnAirNow @iHeartRadio’s #SecretGardenSlowJams

Although Al B. didn’t specify what he’s having surgery for, fans sent tons of well wishes his way. But he had way more to say…

Al B. Sure: “I’ve Bee Lied To” By “Fake Individuals”

In recent weeks, Al B. has been on a health kick, having proudly lost 22.5 pounds. He’s also been on a elimination-of-toxic-friends kick.

In June, he vented about “fake” people and trusting the wrong individuals in a lengthy Instagram post:

officialalbsure: “Turning 50 has been amazing as well as a massive world of discovery. Updating my personal software (removing the fake, faulty & inefficient individuals), spring cleaning of #PDW aka “people dead weight” and recognizing “people plants” & individuals that [appear] out of the blue so eager and willing to help and assist you in [business], reaching your goals, sent just to scheme on you with a smile (w/ legitimates day jobs) just to throw you off w/bad acting…”

He continued:

officialalbsure: “I’ve learned a mirad of information, most importantly that #Godistruly Amazing if you allow Him to be in your life & listen to his whispers… Not the derelicts whispers that call themselves god and dont have any real purpose outside of being obviously jealous of you for any and every reason under the sun… […] Learning to recognize & shed #DeadWeight can be painful at times to process when you have a history of trusting.

It can be anyone from the closest homie that you’d call on in detrimental times & would never think they’d ever cross you, but were always scheming on your Box because their box just wasnt enough. […] Sometimes dead weight comes in the form of relatives, local government officials or co-workers, to people that you thought rocked with you for decades & because of the “prominent lint” in the pockets it made it easy to get to them while their tummy has been rumbling from hunger…but you’ve helped [them] along the way. I’ve been #Gaslighted, Lied 2, lied, Loved, hated, adored, Poisioned, been wronged been wrong, used & more so I understand the entire #SpectrumofRadar & its now all clear. All and all I stay encouraged & positive knowing my purpose and true self. MOST IMPORTANTLY, Delete those that keep you in a box or wish for you to remain in the past when you’ve made a pact with your Maker to continue to fly as He has set forth on your course no matter the storm or obstacles in front of you.”

This also comes after he previously put Jodeci on blast for leaving him out of the reportedly upcoming biopic. FYI: Al B. is largely responsible for Jodeci’s initial success. Read what he said about that HERE.

Wishing the new and improved Al B. Sure a speedy recovery!

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