Russell Simmons has been getting hit left and right with sexual misconduct allegations. If it’s not one accusation, it’s another. The number of alleged victims continue to rise, despite Russell adamantly denying his involvement with the women. But there’s actually one woman standing with Russell – Eva Marcille.
Tired of the Allegations?:
Amid the heightened number of sexual assault claims, the former America’s Next Top Model star recently commented on the situation in Russell’s defense. Eva opted to remind everyone that there are always two sides to a story. She also insisted that Russell, whom she described as an “amazing” and “upstanding” man, shouldn’t be condemned so quickly. The model-turned-reality star-turned actress also posed the question of whether or not Russell’s denial means anything to anyone. “Allegations and accusations are not facts…how quick we are to condemn an amazing man because of what someone says…what about his denial of these horrible accusations, do they not have weight? I know Russell to be an amazing upstanding man period.”
So, why is Eva so defensive of Russell? While true, it may have something to do with her personal opinion of him, it’s also at least slightly likely to have something to do with the integrity and professional stature of her own man.
Why All The Support?:
Michael Sterling, Eva’s new fiancee and the father of her unborn child, is an Atlanta politician and attorney. Don’t get it twisted, he’s not just any attorney though. He’s actually a vital part of the legal team currently representing Russell Simmons. So again, Eva’s outlook on Russell could also be attributed to her emotinal connect with her man.

But despite Eva’s beliefs, there are a few women who are claiming otherwise. Less than two weeks ago, two of Russell’s accusers appeared on The Megyn Kelly Show and made graphic claims of the assault they say they suffered at the former Def Jam CEO’s hands. Russell has voluntarily taken a lie detector test to prove his innocence and passed it ‘with flying colors’ according to his attorneys. Simmons has also invited his accusers to take lie detector tests as well, but so far -as far as we know- none of them have stepped forward to do so. Check out what a couple of his accusers had to say below…
We’ll keep y’all posted on this.