Y’all already know that here, at I Love Old School Music, we pride ourselves on being the official TRUTH diggers, who are always diggin’ for truth about our favorite Old School celebs. This little known fun fact you’re about to witness, is yet another gem we’ve dug up, that just may make you go, ‘Say what now?!!’…as it did for us when we first found out.
Most of us were introduced to actor, Darius McCrary as “Eddie Winslow” on Family Matters twenty six years ago (1989), and it is hard to believe that all that time it was pretty much kept on the low that he has a very legendary soul singing aunt. Wait a minute, we take that back, his aunt does not sing, she can SANG…there’s a difference. Darius revealed who his aunt is in an interview and I think this little tidbit of info flew right over folks’ heads. If you love soul music, you probably love at least one of his aunt’s songs. Scroll down to see who she is…
Who Is His Aunt?
She’s Chaka Khan! Darius revealed this about his Aunt Chaka in a Youtube interview a few years ago:
“I’ve been singing all my life, from childhood, in church I grew up…coming from a musical family, it’s in my blood. So it’s something that I could never and would never want to escape and being raised around a lot of the greats- Chaka Khan’s my aunt, and Rick James, and of course the incredible McCrary’s, which is my family- it’s sharpened me and it’s become my love and my passion” says Darius.
Who would have ever thought that the teenage kid from “Family Matters” was the nephew of a soul legend like Chaka? Darius said that he comes from a very musical family- his dad, Howard McCrary, is a singer/musician and what’s even more surprising (well it’s only surprising if you didn’t watch “Family Matters” back in the day) is that Darius’ singing skills and musicianship are off the chain. He’s released several singles throughout the years that can put a lot of these other so-called R&B artists of today on their faces.
Who remembers when he sang a duet with Tracy Spencer on “Family Matters” for her song, “Tender Kisses”? Like to see it? Here it is…
His Random Marriage History
As if that wasn’t interesting enough, you may recall that Darius was one of the few men bold enough to actually marry ex-hip hop groupie/author, Karrine Steffans in 2009. At one point it seemed like their sudden marriage was very solid and loving, until “hurricane Karrine” started doing what she’s known to do and that is put the men in her life on public blast to the media for publicity gain.

Apparently, Karrine and Darius’ relationship fell on some tough times and Karrine had no problem making all sorts of accusations against Darius, only for him to come back and give this classic response about her…
So as you can see, Darius McCrary has led a pretty interesting life, starting with his mega talented family, to his interesting choices in soul mates, to his current passions – music and acting. The brotha’s done well for himself overall and we look forward to seeing what else he has in the works.