BARRANQUILLA, COLOMBIA — Talk about strange phenomena happening. This is probably among some of the weirdest news ever. However, here you go.
“Imagine giving birth to a baby girl via cesarean section at 37 weeks and then that baby having her own cesarean section within 24 hours because she was born with a baby inside of her,” Mamas Latinas mentions.
Reportedly, that’s exactly what happened to Mónica Vega. She recently gave birth to a beautiful little girl. Yet, both her and her child will, forever, have a unique story to tell world.
Vega gave birth to Itzmara. However, Itzmara had something pretty serious going on inside her body.
Let’s just say “startling” was an understatement for mom’s ultrasound reading…
The source reports:
“In Mónica Vega’s case, when she was seven months pregnant, an ultrasound found two umbilical cords. One connected baby Itzmara to her mother, and another one connected Itzmara to a mass that was growing inside of her.”