It’s Rare, But It Happens…

According to Mamas Latinas, it’s called fetus in fetu. The source says as follows:
“Fetus in fetu happens when there are twins and the embryo does not divide correctly. Normally, in the case of twins, the division happens during the first week of gestation. Siamese twins occur when the division takes place during the second week.”
“Fetus in fetu occurs when the division happens after 17 days and one twin is encapsulated in the body of the other, thus becoming a ‘parasitic’ twin,” the source reports. “This very rare condition happens once in every one million pregnancies and usually isn’t discovered until after the mother has given birth, but that was not the case this time around.”
Reportedly, medical professionals were worried that the fetus inside Itzmara would continue to grow — eventually damaging her internal organs. They had to perform surgery on the infant, and she was only 24 hours old.
According to the source, her twin had become a “parasitic” twin, and was totally dependent on her sister for survival. The twin “was malformed and did not have a heart or brain,” the source states. “The only reason the tissue was being kept alive was because it was getting nutrition directly from Itzmara’s heart.”
This is some crazy stuff, right?
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