The late, great Barry White a.k.a. “The Maestro” has left a surprise for many of us, because most of us have never seen, nor heard of his sons. The music legend has two: Barry Jr., and Darryl White. He also has three daughters: Nina, Shaheerah, and Melva, but we’ll swing back to them at a later time.
The Bar Is High
Right now, we’re talking about Barry White’s son, Darryl White. He once embarked on a singing career, while we’e not sure if he’s still in the music game, his music video from a few years ago still caught the attention of many. We won’t spend time trying to describe what you’re about to see, because a video can speak louder than words.
Side note: We’ve gotta give credit where it’s due though, because Darryl’s in the shadow of a great soulful artist like Barry White, and the bar is HIGH! So, kudos to Darryl White for exploring his possible gift of song!
Music Video
Check out his music video below and let us know what you think.
Battle With His Ex-Stepmother
Back in 2017, there was some serious legal drama that went down between Darryl and his stepmoms, Glodean White.
Glodean was married to Barry White for 29 years (1974-2003) and she was one his Love Unlimited backup singers. She’s his second-wife and the former step-mother of Darryl.
It’s just been reported that Darryl has filed a lawsuit against Glodean, because he says that he is almost homeless as a result of her having cut him off financially ever since 2015.
Via TMZ: Barry White’s son is almost broke and nearly homeless … and he claims it’s all because he’s getting the raw end of the deal from his father’s trust. Darryl says Glodean never let him see the will after Barry died in 2003, instead it was more like … trust me.
In docs, obtained by TMZ, he says he agreed and got payments up until September 2015. Darryl, who’s a singer himself, believes Glodean is using up his father’s dough to support her lavish lifestyle. He was suing to finally get a look at the will, and a proper accounting of what he’s due.
Hopefully their legal battle was resolved amicably in the end.