It’s no secret, married life wasn’t always one of the high points in Tina Turner’s life. In fact, when she was married to Ike Turner, her life was a living hell. But things are quite different now and the man in her life has stepped up to the plate in more ways than one. Not only is he an amazing husband, but he’s also her hero.
During a recent interview, Tina revealed the priceless gift he gave her that has changed her life forever. In addition to love, he’s also given her life in a multitude of ways. But for Tina, the sunshine didn’t come without a rainstorm known as Ike Turner. Now, the 78-year-old singer has also opened up about the vast differences between the two marriages.
Erwin Compared To Ike:
Tina and Erwin tied the knot in 2013 and, to most fans, her marriage is the epitome of a “happily ever after.” After the years of physical, mental, emotional, and sexual abuse Tina suffered at the hands of Ike, her latter has truly been greater than her past. Tina has had nothing but great things to say about her current husband, but the disturbing accounts about her ex-husband are far different.
During multiple interviews, Tina has spoken about her horrific marriage to Ike, but now she’s opening up a bit more, because she has something far greater to compare it to. If Tina had known then what she knows now about life, she probably would have wanted out of the marriage before they made it through the first week.
A Nightmare Wedding:
According to the Daily Mail, for the first time ever, Tina has revealed what her first wedding day was really like. Although their marriage in Tijuana was depicted as a romantic moment in the film, Tina has revealed that day was anything but romantic. In fact, the big day was more like a nightmare. The famed singer has revealed her ex-husband decided to celebrate their marriage by attending a raunchy, live pornographic show.
“I’ve never, ever, told anyone this story before. I was too embarrassed. What kind of bridegroom takes his brand-new wife to a live pornographic sex show, right after their marriage ceremony? There I sat, in this filthy place, watching Ike out of the corner of my eye, wondering: ‘Does he really like this? How could he?’ It was all so ugly. The male performer was unattractive and seemingly impotent, and the girl — well, let’s just say that what was on display was more gynecological than erotic. I was miserable, on the verge of tears, but there was no escape. We couldn’t leave until Ike was ready, and he was having a fine old time.”
In the book, Tina is also opening up about her sex life. The singer reportedly compared sex with her ex-husband to rape. In the seventies, their sex life took a disturbing turn for the worse when Ike began abusing cocaine. According to Tina, someone told Ike the drug would increase his stamina for sex, but the cocaine abuse only made life worse for Tina behind closed doors.
“In the early Seventies, he started doing cocaine — because someone had told him it would give him more stamina for sex. As if Ike Turner needed to spend another minute on his love life! He was well-endowed, and having sex was practically his full-time job. For me, though, sex with Ike had become an expression of hostility — a kind of rape — especially when it began or ended with a beating. What had been ugly and hateful between us before became worse with every snort of cocaine. He threw hot coffee in my face, giving me third-degree burns.
Tina’s Health Scare:
For those who don’t know, Tina Turner is prepping for her new autobiography, Tina Turner: My Love Story. According to The Jasmine Brand, the book discusses a number of intimate aspects of Tina’s life and one of the most moving parts of the book centers on her kidney transplant.
In 2013, the legendary singer had a serious bout with kidney disease and was in desperate need of a kidney transplant. We all know what tends to happen when people on the donor’s list aren’t placed with a match. Over time, their health worsens, and in worst case scenarios, people succumb to kidney disease. So, Tina Turner’s life was on the line. But her husband, German music executive Erwin Bach stepped up to the plate and decided to give her one of his kidneys.
Now, excerpts of the book have been released and Tina recounted that difficult time in her life, revealing just how bad her kidneys were functioning.
“[My kidneys were functioning at] 20 percent and plunging rapidly.” Then Tina’s husband shocked her with an unexpected suggestion. He made his love for her quite clear when he revealed he wanted to donate one of his kidneys to her. In the book, Tina shared her reaction to Erwin’s suggestion.
“He said he didn’t want another woman, or another life; we were happy and he’d do anything to keep us together,” the “What’s Love Got to Do With It” singer wrote. “Then he shocked me. He said that he wanted to give me one of his kidneys.”
What A Time To Be Alive:
Needless to say, the surgery was a complete success and Tina couldn’t be happier. “[I felt] happy, overwhelmed and relieved that we’d come through this alive.”
She went on to explain just how much his offer sacrifice meant to her. “His offer to give me his kidney was a gift of love, and he remained unflappable and relaxed,” she said.
Based on Tina’s accounts of her past and present, it’s quite obvious life has changed drastically over the years. It’s definitely a beautiful outcome after such turmoil. Tina Turner: My Love Story is set to be released on October 15.