Back in the day, a Blockbuster membership meant you were part of the “in” crowd, right? Well, there’s only one store where that matters now.
Redbox. Hulu. Netflix. Prime. These are all nemeses to the once-reigning rental species — Blockbuster Video. Yet, as far as retro stores are concerned, this franchise is nearly extinct.
Its only saving grace is a lone store, here in the United States. Of course, there were two left. However, that second-to-last location was based in Australia. But it’s done now, according to CNN.
Sandi Harding, general manager of the last-standing Blockbuster, says: “We all have a kinship with the other Blockbusters.” Or at least, “had.”
However, this store has something neither Netflix, Hulu, nor Redbox offers.
Here’s The Blockbuster Location And It’s Special Item>>>
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