Sooo, about that time that actor, Woody McClain a.k.a. the Bobby Brown actor from the N.E. biopic, caused a frenzy across social media for tweeting, in 2011, that he was gonna drop Black women once he bacame famous and start dating White women only….
Woody recently explained to Essence, where the tweets came from and which ones he’s responsible for. Turns out, it’s what it appeared to be the whole time- a combination of jokes and photoshop.
Truths: Woody said he only tweeted two of 2011 tweets about Black and White women because he was clearly joking and that if he was gonna “jump ship” he would have done so three years ago when he gained a healthy fan base. For those who don’t know, Woody is actually a comedian and had a pretty big following on social media long before The New Edition Story was released. For the past few years, his fans have come to know him for his jokes and funny online skits. Another truth is that Woody’s most recent girlfriend of 10 years was a dark skin Jamaican woman.
Non-truths: According to Woody, were the various other photoshopped 2011 tweets, claiming to be from him, that surfaced at the same time as his Black women tweets. However, the 2011 tweets were talking about things that hadn’t even taken place at that time, like the N.E. biopic:
“Listen, before New Edition [movie] came out, I do comedy. Woody does comedy. So it was a tweet that was taken out content…the tweet that I wrote was ‘If it ain’t white it ain’t right.’ Me growing up through comedy, that’s a comedy reference. ‘Once you go Black, you never go back.’ That’s a comedy reference.” “So I feel like somebody took that tweet, added more Tweets, photoshopped it, undefeated. You will not beat Photoshop,” said Woody.
“I love Black women. I always push for Black women. When I shoot my videos—go to follow me @woody_thegreat, you will see all my content. I promote Black love. […] My mother is Black. My sister is Black. I love my Black queens. I push for positivity every time I do my comedy videos. I’m doing it to put us in a positive light. So I’m not even mad that this happened. I’m actually happy.”
And there you have it ILOSM family. Although Woody McClain’s jokes about Black women were stupid, it wasn’t intentionally malicious. It was instead a typical comedic risk that many comedians take when telling shock value jokes to their fans. That doesn’t mean it’s right, it just means he’s human. I bet he learned his lesson this time though.
Thoughts ILOSM fam?’