happy that the baby was born healthy but he was torn — his heart was broken and he didn’t know what to do.
‘Now that Krissy is gone and laid to rest next to her mother Bobby is focused on his wife because she is very sick with severe diabetes and she could die too.’
‘Bobby says he is so afraid this disease will one day take his wife from him and it would destroy him,’ the insider reveals.
[Source: DailyMail]
Pathology is a powerful thing- Bobby Brown, Whitney Houston, and Bobbi Kristina are clear examples of that. We’ve seen Bobby B. and Whitney repeatedly ridiculed by society throughout the years, but a lot of the time, many people didn’t stop to try to consider who, or what they themselves had been damaged by in their lives. None of us come here the way that we are- be it bad or good- we are all accumulations of the patterns and behaviors that we learned early on in our lives. If we experienced dysfunction as children, chances are very high that we’ll be dysfunctional adults. Sadly, Bobbi Kris’ succumbed to the pathology of her blood line- and now Bobby Brown has to learn to cope with what he contributed to. He loves his daughter more than life itself, that’s evident, but it’s really difficult for a broken parent to raise a whole, psychologically healthy child unless they find a way to rid themselves of their brokenness first.
We can’t imagine what Bobby B. is going through right now- losing his child and also worrying about his wife, who is suffering with a life threatening degree of diabetes, which caused her to have a seizure on the day of Bobbi Kristina’s funeral.
Our hope is that he is able to handle his grief and his guilt as strongly as he possibly can for the sake of his newborn baby, his other children, his wife, and himself.