Brandy Cancels Concert After Bleeding Eardrum And Other Serious Medical Issue

Brandy Cancels Concert After Bleeding Eardrum And Other Serious Medical Issue

Brandy Cancels Concert After Bleeding Eardrum And Other Serious Medical Issue

Brandy seems to be having some concerning health issues after her concert was canceled. The concert was expected to be an elaborate performance by Brandy at the honorable Kennedy Center on today. The 39-year-old, Wanna Be Down singer was set to perform on Friday, January 25, 2019 – Saturday, January 26, 2019. The official announcement from the The Kennedy Center was recently updated:

CANCELLED: NSO Pops: An Evening with Brandy
Friday, January 25, 2019 – Saturday, January 26, 2019
UPDATE: Due to vocal duress, these concerts have been cancelled.

Doctor’s Orders

Today, Brandy put to bed any possible rumors that something else could be going on and posted a long message on her Instagram.

Brandy also says that she’s been experiencing hemorrhaging on her left eardrum. She reveals  that she went to the doctor and was diagnosed with sinusitis, acute laryngitis, hemorrhagic right true vocal and bilateral severe vocal cord edema.

I Apologize

Brandy continued, by apologizing from the bottom of her heart to all of her fans.

#Imagine -A born Orchestra (brandy) that can’t connect to the Kennedy Orchestra because of everyone’s refusal to listen to the one musician (brandy) that can join and bring out the best of both worlds. A triple threat! Again, I apologize from the bottom of my heart to all of my fans for my own ignorance and not being aware enough to replace any outstanding obstacles in time to share with you the gift of music with my voice in full possibility. I will NEVER BE THE SAME because of this moment. That’s a good thing. I Am Stronger Now. Louder Now. Even more Humbled. I know what it takes to be the Greatest Version of Self and I know how to Demolish Anything and Anyone who arrogantly attempts to stop The Glory of God and the will for my Life. #NoWeaponsFormed

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