These two young people are twins and they’re Daddy couldn’t deny them if he tried…even though he would ever do that to them. They look so much like their Dad it’s unreal, especially the son.
Guess Who?
Okay so here are a couple hints before you scroll down. Their Dad was in one of the most popular Black movies of the 90s era and the film is now like a cult classic. Look closely at the pic to see if you can figure it out without cheating (LOL) and then check out who…
Their Dad is none other than Tyrin Turner a.k.a. “Caine” from the 1993 classic film, Menace To Society! Now can you see the resemblance? He has a beautiful fam’ and since we were just talking about how Tyrin is still living a very successful lifestyle earlier this week, we thought we’d share these pics. Tyrin’s come a long way and he’s now 44 years old.
He’s a family man who is heavily invested in his children’s lives. His daughter’s name is Tai Turner and his son is Raheem Turner…in case you haven’t noticed, they’re really close. Tai even made that known with this Instagram post…
Too Cute Huh?!?

Married For Years!
Tyrin’s been married to his wife, Amina Garner, for many years now…

Tyrin’s son, who goes by the stage name Lil’ Caine (in reference to his dad’s Menace II Society character) is an up-and-coming rapper and he seems to be really dedicated to his craft and grinding to get his career thriving. His dad is supporting him 100% and often posts his son’s videos on his Instagram page.
Lil’ Caine recently also posted this photo of Tyrin, paying homage to the man he’s proud to call dad.
You can check out one of Lil Caine’s songs below and tell us what you think.
-ILoveOldSchoolMusic, old school news with a new point of view