“You’re So Vain” singer, Carly Simon, claims she had some very risqué encounters with two old school icons- Redd Foxx and Marvin Gaye. When we first read what she revealed in her 2015 autobiography, Boys In The Trees, we let out a collective, ‘Say whaaaat?!!’. Though, I must admit that after reading Janis Gaye’s (Marvin Gaye’s wife) autobiography, we were not completely shocked at Carly’s claims about Marvin…but the story she told about Redd Foxx was a little more surprising. Why? Because we don’t typically hear those types of claims about the late comedic icon, unlike the beloved Mr. Gaye.
Simon alleged that before she hit it big in music, she was working as a secretary for a TV variety show, and it was during that time that she was sexually advanced upon by both legends in a bold, no-holds-barred type of way. Below is what was Rolling Stone Magazine detailed about Simon’s encounters with Foxx and Gaye.

Carly Simon’s claims about Redd Foxx:
When Simon’s career was slow to take off, she found jobs as a summer-camp counselor and as a secretary on a TV variety show. Her first day on the set, she had to go to the dressing room of comedian Redd Foxx, who promptly dropped his trademark red-fox fur coat, revealing that he was stark naked underneath. She quickly fled.
Carly Simon’s claims about Marvin Gaye:
Marvin Gaye, in his dressing room, was stripped only to the waist, but when he asked Simon to stick out her tongue, “Marvin lunged at my face, swept my tongue into his mouth, and began sucking on it. I extracted it without inflicting damage.”
Simon’s Admitted Fling With Jack Nicholson
Additionally, Carly Simon confessed to one such advance in her book…the one she says actor, Jack Nicholson, made toward her back in the day According to Rolling Stone, Jack’s reported advance toward Carly turned into a sexual fling:
When Jack Nicholson was making Carnal Knowledge with “Bugs, Artie the Garf, and Mike the Nick,” as he called them (Candice Bergen, Art Garfunkel, and Mike Nichols), he spent a couple of nights at Simon’s New York apartment. The first night, he showed off his seduction technique after she made a pot of coffee: “We chatted for a few moments and then he said, offhandedly, ‘Do you ever drink coffee in your bedroom?’”
Anywho…if Carly Simon’s claims are true, it sounds like Redd Foxx was trying to get Carly the heck up outta his dressing room ASAP — either that, or he was trying to get her to come in and “turn off the lights,” like Teddy P. once sang. As far as Carly’s alleged ‘Marvin Gaye encounter,’ that was just weird. Well…both encounters were weird, but the thing that we’re still curious about for both incidents, is what exactly happened immediately afterwards, and how awkward was it that very next time Carly Simon saw Foxx and Gaye at her job?
One thing’s for certain, if Carly’s claims are accurate, then Marvin Gaye and Redd Foxx must’ve been making some hella bold advances back in the day.