If you thought Linda Fairstein was the only person attached to the “Central Park five” conviction, guess again. The lead prosecutor just resigned from Columbia Law School.
The heat is on, and it’s seemingly torching everyone who was involved with the wrongful conviction of the five men portrayed in Ava DuVernay’s When They See Us. Linda Fairstein has felt the pressure from all angles. Now, it looks to be Elizabeth Lederer‘s turn. According to NBC News, she was the lead prosecutor on the case.
Columbia Law Dean Gillian Lester addressed the school’s community in a letter explaining Lederer’s resignation and departure.
“This afternoon, Elizabeth Lederer informed me that she will not seek reappointment as a part-time lecturer,” the dean mentions. Likewise, she continues by stating Elizabeth’s parting words in the letter.
“I’ve enjoyed my years teaching at CLS, and the opportunity it has given me to interact with the many fine students who elected to take my classes,” Lederer tells the dean. “However, given the nature of the recent publicity generated by the Netflix portrayal of the Central Park case, it is best for me not to renew my teaching application.”