Charlie Wilson Details His Cancer Battle & Devastating News His Dad Gave Him At That Time

Posted On : December 3, 2020
Charlie Wilson

One look at the way 67 year old R&B legend, Charlie Wilson, still cuts UP on stage and one would never think that it wasn’t that long ago that the brotha was in a fight for his life. The fight was so terrifying, that the Gap Band veteran admitted he thought his “life was over.” Thankfully, he’s made through cancer battle and is sharing his experience, pain, his additional family heartache, and triumph with his fans.

His mission is to spread awareness to men, especially Black men, who oftentimes shy away from going to the doctor regularly…until it’s too late. A trait Wilson admittedly had as well.

In a prior interview via, Charlie Wilson explained his cancer journey:

Everything was just going great until I went to the doctor for a general physical in the summer of 2008.

My wife, Mahin, made an appointment for me to have my annual physical. I have never liked going to the doctor or getting any type of exam. In addition to the physical, Mahin suggested I have a prostate exam.

I definitely did not want to have that – for various reasons – but Mahin was very convincing.

But Wilson Was Not Emotionally Prepared For What Happened Next

Charlie Wilson with his wife

Charlie Wilson continued:

After a few days, I heard back from the doctor. He encouraged me to make an appointment for the following month for additional monitoring. He explained that African-American men were more likely to be diagnosed with prostate cancer than any other race, and he wanted to keep an eye on things.

“I returned in a month. Based on follow-up tests, my doctor suggested that I see a specialist for a biopsy. I immediately got nervous and was concerned about what this could possibly mean.

I remember hearing I had prostate cancer like it was yesterday. I was convinced my life was over. I worked hard at overcoming other life challenges and had the will to return to the top of my game in the music business. I put together a good show; had a catalog of great new songs to record and perform, etc. But now this?!”

When Doctor Gave Wilson His Results, His Dad Hit Him With Devastating News Too

“My initial thought was that my life and career were over”:
Charlie Wilson- Our visit with the specialist started with, “I have some good news and some bad news.” My wife asked for the bad news and the doctor said “Mr. Wilson, you have prostate cancer.” My initial reaction was to get up and leave the room. My wife calmly asked me to sit down and have the doctor give us the good news. The good news was that it had been detected early and could be effectively treated.

Thank God for my wife and her patience and understanding. My initial thought was that my life and career were over. Nothing was further from the truth.

The doctor gave us some informational materials and our research began. We discussed options with my health care team and by working with them closely, I am now cancer free.

However, my journey was not over. During our research I learned that African-American men are 60% more likely to be diagnosed with his disease than other races or ethnicities. It was at that time that I decided it was time for me to start informing as well as performing.

He Later Learned His Father Was Suffering From Same Cancer:

C.W.- “During my own prostate cancer battle, I learned that my father was also conducting his own battle. Unfortunately, he did not tell us that he had prostate cancer. It wasn’t until I called to let him know about my diagnosis that he told me. That was a very difficult conversation for me and also confirmed my commitment to tell my story in order to make my community aware of this disease and encourage them to discuss it.”

ILOSM family, as we all know, none of us getting any younger. So, hopefully anyone who needed to hear Charlie Wilson’s message today, heard it…and will take heed to his encouragement- to stay up on our health. Blessings fam.’

About I Love Old School Music

We salute the incredible people and beautiful memories of that "old school". We’re not saying that every artist and every facet of the soul era was perfect, but the artists’ contributions to soul music and the old school memories of that particular time are PRICELESS.