Most of us, Old Schoolers, remember when Cheech & Chong cracked us up, while getting high as a kite in their comedy movies back in the day. They were free spirits on camera and in real life, Tommy Chong is also a free spirited, outspoken dude. Apparently, he raised his daughter/actress, Rae Dawn Chong, the same way. That couldn’t be more evident after the brutal opinions she gave made about Oprah Winfrey.
Though Tommy and Rae Dawn Chong share the same last name, most fans never knew that “Squeak” from The Color Purple a.k.a. “Harpo’s” high pitched voiced wife- was related to Tommy. She and her Pops are very close though…so close, that he defended her controversial bashing of her Color Purple co-star, Oprah Winfrey.
A few years ago, Rae caught major flack for the way she dragged Oprah Winfrey in on Matty P’s Radio Happy Hour internet radio show, as she recalled the tension between them and she took several low blows.