By now, it’s no secret that NFL quarterback, Colin Kaepernick, is clearly being intentionally banned from the NFL over his peaceful protest of the far too many brutal murders of Black people at the hands of police. But despite the public’s protest against the NFL- for treating Colin as if he committed a crime, simply for taking a knee during the singing of the National Anthem- the NFL team owners are standing by their seemingly obvious collective decision to ban Colin and intimidate other NFL players.
Chris Rock’s Potent Message
Today, Chris Rock spoke out about the NFL’s ‘Kaepernick ban’ and made a whole hell of a lot of sense to me. By the way, Rock’s message is bold because like Kaepernick, he too has a lot of fans of other races who may or may not agree with his stance, but he’s still using his fame and platform to stand up for what he believes in. So without further ado ladies and gentleman, Chris Rock’s message:
@chrisrock: It’s not the fact that not one of the bad teams that obviously needs a quarterback signed him i.e. Jets / browns / jaguars / bears .It’s not the fact that none of the teams that are good but are just a stable quarterback away from being a super bowl contender signed him Texans/ broncos/ . It’s the fact the there’s a bunch of teams that are an injured quarterback away from there whole season going up in smoke . Cowboys/ raiders / etc. the fact that the good teams don’t want him is the proof. Teams in every sport sign players all the time for the sole purpose of there competition not getting the player . But nobody’s worried about that because they already know he’s not gonna be signed. Most athletes are decent people but there’s also a lot of bad guys that have been made worse buy getting special treatment their whole lives . I’ve met Colin a few times and I don’t think he’s one of the bad ones. Btw I understand anybody that doesn’t agree with him that’s your right I get it. But you have to admit that in the world of sports where we give actual criminals a fifteenth chance this guys shouldn’t be denied the right to ever play again.
Cut From A Different Clothe
Meanwhile, Kaepernick is continuing to stand up for what he believes in and not backing down. He is also becoming a great philanthropist, having donated $1 million dollars to various charities that help causes dedicated to helping those who are less fortunate.

Colin Kaepernick is becoming today’s generation’s version of the great Muhammad Ali in a sense. Like Ali, Kaepernick risked his career during the height of his career by standing up for what he believes in to help those who do not have the platform, nor the famous name to garner that needed attention for themselves.
Of course it’s easier for some athletes to ignore the injustices plaguing people who look just like them. But then there are other athletes who are cut from a different clothe and choose to lead the way to fight for what’s right. Kaepernick, like Ali, is that guy.