People automatically had something to say about Marlon’s post whether it was good, bad or otherwise. Though the general consensus was positive there were a few that weren’t on board with Marlon’s touching tribute. One user informed Marlon that they would be unfollowing him now and he replied simply with a the waving hand emoji and the word “Bye”. Another user, according to Us Magazine, informed Marlon of his influence by stating;
“She’s not old enough to understand what that’s really about,” the person wrote. “You have the power to change lives, Bro, don’t teach her that.”
Marlon replied with;
“She’s 19,” Wayans wrote in response. “She’s who she is until or until she don’t [sic] choose different. Love her for her not what I want her to be.”
Though he could have probably gone back and forth all day with the people who disagreed with his support when asked why he chose to not delete their comments he wrote this;
“I thought of erasing them but I need the world to see the ignorance that still exists,” he wrote. “Objective without obstacles is a worthless triumph.”
Still, the actor says he remains hopeful for the future. “We all will some day get to unconditional love. Because of my daughter I am one step closer,” he added. “I am not God, i don’t judge i just LOVE. And still pray for the haters because i refuse to judge them too just love.”
Hats off to this brotha for not only shaming the haters for their negativity, but for also loving his daughter regardless of what the world thinks.