CoKo From SWV is Undefeated: Roasts Current Wave of Female R&B Singers and It's Hilarious! - Page 2 of 2

CoKo From SWV is Undefeated: Roasts Current Wave of Female R&B Singers and It’s Hilarious!

Here’s the entire clip from the video here.

Ouch! Even though her reactions weren’t too terrible CoKo’s facial expressions added a touch of cringe to the video. And Twitter has been adding their opinions to CoKo’s criticism as well, both good and bad.

CoKo’s sentiments aren’t necessarily new thoughts as she and the rest of the group have been offering their opinons for quite some time. During a 2014 interview with WBLS’s Lenny Green in Atlanta he asked them what their thoughts were about R&B music and they weren’t very pleased with the current trends of the time. Lelee replied;

“It’s lost man. And it’s so disappointing. This genre of music that we pretty much own I feel like sometimes we neglect it.”

CoKo agreed, adding;

“I just think it’s, it’ gone. Everybody’s into this techno pop. And the ones that are out here and that are really singing and giving you good music, no one’s playing them.  No one’s paying them any attention.”

The ladies are still speaking their minds just as they’ve always done during their career. Let’s not forget, this is the same group who introduced the term “Downtown” into the culture. You never know what they’re going to say next.













































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