the child support at $4,000 a month is woefully low and inadequate based on John’s income and assets.”
But Singleton said he never agreed to pay Busia the difference in tuition, and their divorce settlement says he’s only responsible for paying her school fees in Ghana, which he said he has.
Bossip revealed that Busia believed Singleton filed for divorce from her so he didn’t have to give up his money from writing and directing “Shaft.” Despite “Shaft’s” profits, Singleton said in court docs he’s not balling like he once was. He said he now pulls in $14,500 a month, but has $24,000 in expenses, including $8,300 in mortgages for homes in Los Angeles and Miami. Singleton three other kids, Justice, 20, Maasai, 18 and Selenesol, 14, also live with the “Poetic Justice” director.

“This is a frivolous application which I should not be required to finance,” the “Baby Boy” director said in court docs. “As my income and expense declaration demonstrates, I have substantial expenses relating to my other children. Moreover, my income is modest compared to my past income.”
An LA family court judge will make a ruling next month.
It sounds like this lawsuit is going to boil down to who has the proper paperwork. This is a word to the wise: Never live off of a promise and a prayer, because in the end you will probably be the one to get stuck. Now unless there is more info to this story, it unfortunately sounds like Busia might come out with the short end of the stick. For her sake, I hope she had Singleton put his promise in writing, because maybe the courts might honor that as a form of a contract, but it doesn’t sound like she did. We can’t knock John Singleton either though, because if what he has filed is true, it looks like he’s held up his end of the deal.
Many people have gone through this, and the person who gets hurt the most is usually the child. So hopefully they find resolve with this quickly. ILOSM fam’ based on the details listed here, who do you think will win this case…Busia or Singleton?
For a situation like this, Christopher Williams‘ song, “Promises” is fitting. Take us out Chris!