R&B singer Case, who was popular in the mid ‘90s, was featured on the TV One’s series, Unsung, where he opened up about his past relationship with a famous R&B singer.
According to Case, back in the day, he had a side chick while he was engaged to his fiancee, Nicole. It was easy to have a low-key relationship with someone because there were so social media blogs to expose their relationship. The “Touch Me, Tease Me” star was having an affair with Mary J. Blige. The two singers did a great job of keeping their relationships tight-lipped and out of the public eye.
Case shared with TV One, that while the two were collaborating in the studio, they began to collaborate outside of that as they developed a natural attraction for one another.
“It turned into a relationship probably because I was scheming the whole time. It just came from being in the studio all the time, hanging out, you know? You just kind of click with people.”
While Case tried to hide his love affair with Mary, his former fiancee, Nicole, was aware that something was going on:
“I was always suspicious of his relationship with Mary. It seemed a little too close for comfort.”
Case boldly stated that he cheated on his fiancee with Mary J. Blige.
“Actually, I did cheat on Nicole with Mary.”
Watch a clip of Case discussing his reported fling with MJB below:
Ah well…we live and we learn. Celebs aren’t perfect…that’s what makes them human, just like us regular folk and ain’t nothing wrong with that.