Cops Rush Bill Cosby's Home On His 81st Birthday After Neighbors' Call

Cops Rush Bill Cosby’s Home On His 81st Birthday After Neighbors’ Call

On Bill Cosby’s 81st birthday (July 12, 2018), a plethora of cops rushed to his mansion, where he currently is on house arrest, awaiting sentencing. Apparently, the comedic legend and/or his loved ones done stirred up a ruckus so huge, that his neighbors called the cops.

Why Cops Were Called To Cosby’s Home

It all went down at his suburban Pennsylvania home, where Bill and Camille Cosby reside. Here’s what was reported:


Via TMZ- Law enforcement sources tell us officers in Cheltenham, Pennsylvania received a call Thursday for loud music on Cosby’s street. We’re told about 4 units responded … a couple in front of Cosby’s home and some went around back. A witness tells us loud jazz music could be heard coming from Bill’s property — likely from a birthday party — but once officers arrived, everything quieted down. … According to dispatch audio, the original caller said the music had been playing since 7 AM.

911 Call Audio…

So, let me get this straight, Cosby’s block was filled to the rim with cop cars…because of loud jazz music? Sure, blasting loud music can be annoying to one’s fellow neighbor, so it’s understandable why they wanted whoever was at Cosby’s home to tap that mute button. Question is: Did they really need FOUR police units for a loud jazz music disturbance? Hmmm…

At any rate, Cosby and crew probably want no parts of trouble. Pretty sure the last thing he’d want, is to be taken off house arrest, while he waits to find out how much of those possible 30 years the judge will sentence him to come September. FYI: Cosby will be sentenced for his April 2018 conviction on 3 counts of indecent sexual assault against accuser, Andrea Constand.

Cosby’s neighbors may be against him and/or his loud music at this time, but there’s one person, who is standing by him regarding the sex assault allegations- his wife, Camille Cosby.

Camille Goes Off In Lengthy Statement

As we previously reported, Mrs. Cosby was radio silent throughout the majority of Bill’s last trial, but once he was convicted she blasted ALL the way off! In case you missed Camille’s lengthy statement, about her husband being wrongly convicted, here’s part of what she had to say:
Mrs. Cosby on the media, accusers, and Emmett Till

“The overall media, with their frenzied, relentless demonization of him and unquestioning acceptance of accusers’ allegations without any attendant proof, have superseded the Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments, which guarantee due process and equal protection, and thereby eliminated the possibility of a fair trial and unbiased jury.” […] Since when are all accusers truthful? History disproves that…for example, Emmett Till’s accuser immediately comes to mind.”

Camille on the district attorney and accuser’s testimony

” The worst injustices, however, have been carried out in the Pennsylvania Montgomery County Courthouse. Three criminal charges, promised during an unethical campaign for the district attorney’s office, were filed against my husband…all based on what I believe to be a falsified account by the newly elected district attorney’s key witness. I firmly believe her recent testimony during trial was perjured; as was shown at trial, it was unsupported by any evidence and riddled with innumerable, dishonest contradictions. Moreover, Bill Cosby’s defense team introduced the testimony of a witness who confirmed that the district attorney’s witness admitted that she had not been sexually assaulted, but that she could say she was and get money … which is exactly what she did.”

Read her full statement below…

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