Daughter Of John Singleton & “Color Purple” Actress Sadly Speaks Out After Her Dad’s Death

Daughter Of John Singleton & “Color Purple” Actress Sadly Speaks Out After Her Dad’s Death

As we continue to mourn the passing of beloved director, John Singleton, our hearts ache for his children as well. John passed away on Monday April 29th, after he was taken off life support, following the massive stroke he’d suffered the week prior. After his untimely death at just 51 years old, some of Singleton’s children have now spoken out, including his daughter with actress, Akosua Busia a.k.a. “Nettie” from The Color Purple.

Their daughter, Hadar Singleton, was born in 1991, just 6 years after her Father directed one of the most iconic films of the 90’s, Boyz N the Hood (1991); and 11 years after her Mom starred as “Nettie” in one of the most iconic films of the 80’s, The Color Purple (1985).

Throughout her 22 years of life, Hadar was extremely close to her Dad and now, she’s publicly expressed her immense pain after losing him, in a short and sweet online tribute.

See What Their Daughter Shared & What Singleton’s Other KidsAre Saying>>>

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