Daughter Of Lisa Bonet & Lenny Kravitz Raised Brows With Revelation About Her Time With Prince

Daughter Of Lisa Bonet & Lenny Kravitz Raised Brows With Revelation About Her Time With Prince

Lisa Bonet (R) with daughter, actress Zoë Kravitz; (inset photo) Prince

The Cosby Show and Different World actress, Lisa Bonet, and her rockstar ex-husband, Lenny Kravitz, were probably a tad surprised — along with the rest of their fans — after hearing the little known fun fact their daughter, Zoë Kravitz, publicly revealed about herself and music icon, Prince. At first glance, the now 33-year-old’s story seemed kinda innocent, until it didn’t…well, at least on the iconic Purple One’s side of things.

Okay, before anyone jumps to conclusions about Prince and Zoë, here’s a brief disclaimer: Nah, Prince did NOT try to holla at Lisa and Lenny’s daughter when she as underage…he didn’t get down like that. Now that we’ve cleared that up, scroll down to see what Prince did try to pull with Zoë…or so it seems.

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Prince Took Her Home…After She Turned 18…

During a prior interview on The Jimmy Kimmel Show…host, Jimmy, gave a comical side-eye to Zoë (or rather Prince) — as did the audience — when she recalled the time Prince waited until she turned 18 years old to take her home one night. Let us explain…

Ya’ see, Lisa and/or Lenny were cool with Prince, when Zoë was a little girl. As a result, Zoë says that she met Prince a few times as a child. However, according to Zoë, it wasn’t until she’d turned 18, that Prince randomly walked up to her at a nightclub, stood close behind her — as she was windin’ it up on the dance floor with her homegirls — and asked if he could take her home…in his limo…to which, she agreed.

Here’s What Zoë Says Happened Next Though

Prince Called Her Again…Then Zoë Called Him Annoying”…

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Zoë Kravitz then explained that that although Prince didn’t ‘try anything’ with her the night that he’d given her a ride home from the club, he did surprise her by phoning her up soon afterwards. Why? To invite himself to her concert (Zoe’s also a singer). Get this…he actually did show up to see Zoë at her show!

Prince called her later that night…to link up with her…again, says Zoë. She obliged. However, Zoë insists it was innocent, even though Prince seemingly tried to impress her with his accomplishments, by bringing up his the film, Purple Rain. Here’s the shocker though — Zoë eventually thought Prince was “annoying,” but meant it in the most ‘respectful’ way.

While explaining her story to Jimmy Kimmell, he cracked slick jokes in between and it was hilarious. See what else Zoë revealed about her phone calls and personal time with Prince in the video clip below…

From Zoë’s standpoint, it seemed like a young starstruck 18-year-old young lady who was just ecstatic that her idol, Prince, wanted to see her sing, and give her an innocent limo ride home. On the other hand, from Jimmy Kimmel’s — and most other folks’ viewpoint — it sounds like Prince was trying to make his move on Zoë…the LEGAL way. And besides, Lisa Bonet’s and Lenny Kravitz’s daughter does seem like Prince’s ‘type.’

What’chall think, ILOSM fam?’ Was Prince was trying to get with then-18-year-old Zoë Kravitz? Or was he simply being a ‘father figure’ to her?

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