Dennis Rodman Pleads GUILTY To Hit&Run & His Lawyer's Explanation Is COMICAL

Dennis Rodman Pleads GUILTY To Hit&Run & His Lawyer’s Explanation Is COMICAL

NBA legend, Dennis Rodman, hasn’t been able to live life on the straight and narrow ever since…hell I don’t remember, but unfortunately today at 55, things are no different…
Screen Shot 2017-02-06 at 6.48.46 PMIf you recall, we reported in July of 2016 that shortly after being seen drinking and partying at a local karaoke bar, Rodman had allegedly driven up the WRONG SIDE of a freeway in Orange County, Cali., causing an oncoming vehicle to swerve and ram smack dab into the freeway’s divider. He’s since confirmed he was the driver, however at the time of the accident, not only did Dennis lie to the police, but according to several sources he was  reportedly drunker than “Ned the Wino” on Good Times! He denied that too. Fast forward to today though and here we are…

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Via TMZ: Dennis Rodman just pled guilty to multiple criminal charges in his wrong way freeway incident — and dodged a BULLET … TMZ Sports has learned. […] Rodman was facing 2 years behind bars — but we learned he struck a plea deal with prosecutors in which he pled guilty to 3 lesser charges and got 3 years probation in exchange. We’re told Rodman pled guilty to driving the wrong way on a freeway, providing false info to a cop and driving without a valid license. Besides the 3 years probation, Rodman was also given 30 hours community service and must pay for the property damage. Rodman had been spotted at a karaoke bar earlier in the evening and was pictured with keys in his hand.


TMZ: Rodman’s attorney, Paul S. Meyer, tells us, “We appreciate the careful review of the District Attorney to make the right call in settlement.” Meyer also said the freeway driving error was due to “poor sign placement.”

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Okay let me get this straight. Rodman, the cat whose been arrested several times for alcohol related incidents- including two separate drunk driving incidents- and who has a history of severe alcohol abuse, drove up the WRONG SIDE of the freeway because a sign was placed “poorly”?!! I hate to kick a man when he’s down, but Rodman could’ve killed somebody. So I gotta give a big “HEEELL to the naw-no” to Rodman’s attorney for that incredible justification…
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Sometimes many of us may need a good kick in the you-know-what to get us back on track, and right now it looks like Dennis doesn’t have that…especially when those around him justify his actions by making up excuses for him. Rodman seems like a good dude deep down, so hopefully one day he’ll get any help he may need to finally overcome any problems he has.

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