“We didn’t steal sh*t!!!” Says Rodman…
Rodman claims the owner offered them a “a couple of gifts” in exchange for this:
“I asked them [employees], ‘Can we get uh…a couple of gifts?’ and stuff like that. And the guy said ‘Yes.’ And I said ‘Okay, great.'”…
During the interview (shown at bottom of this page), Dennis Rodman’s wife can be heard off camera, reminding Rodman of why they were supposedly offered “the gifts” in the first place.
Rodman then continued, stating that the owner (who reported them for robbing the store) told them they could have the ‘gifts’ “in exchange” for “moving the uh…the crystal thing.” Rodman’s referring to that $2500 crystal art piece his male associate attempted to load onto a dolly after an employee had stepped away from the the front desk.
When asked why the owner and/or staff would need their help moving the crystal piece, Rodman said:
“I tried to help. As the good uh….person that I am. I said, ‘Okay guys, let’s go over here and do one thing,’ and they called it a heist.”
“They called it a heist, because…that fu*kin’ company, they’re broke.” When asked he’s alluding that the yoga spot is trying to shake him down, Rodman’s reply was, “Goddamn right…for publicity and sh*t like that…exposure, that’s about it man!”
He went on to adamantly deny the owner’s and employees’ claims that he and his 3 associates left the yoga studio with $500 in clothing, as in the items one of his female associates was caught on camera discreetly stuffing into her purse.
“No,no,no,no,no…they gave me the clothing. We didn’t steal sh*t! They give me sh*t.”
When asked about the owner filing a police report for the alleged robbery, Rodman claims that he is off the hook, because he “didn’t do anything.”
On claims they were drunk during alleged robbery, Rodman says alcohol “had nothing to do with it.”
Is Rodman worried about being accused of violating his current probation and facing possible jail time?:
“I didn’t do anything…I didn’t do a goddamn thing! …Am I going to jail? No.”
And there ya’ have it ILOSM family. Thoughts?