So whose this mystery man that Diana and Cher had beef over? That would be none other than Gene Simmons of the rock group, KISS. Now, we know what some of y’all may be thinking and nah family, that was not a typo, both of those beautiful, talented women looooved them some Gene Simmons- the dude with the long tongue and face paint. In fact, Gene was Cher’s man first and that’s where the problem came in between the trio.

In a prior interview with Irish Mirror, Simmons spilled the beans about how ‘the boss’ Ms. Ross stole his heart right from under Cher’s nose. Diana and Gene ended up dating for two years (1980-1983) as a result. See what else Gene revealed about their love triangle below:

Gene Simmons: “Diana Ross kept me on my toes and I ended up having a relationship with her for two years. I loved that she was such a strong woman who was confident in her own skin. That’s the most seductive thing. If a man thinks a woman can live without them, that’s it. Initially, Cher and I had a relationship and we lived together in Malibu.
One Christmas I asked her what I should buy her and she said, “Call my friend Diana Ross , she will tell you exactly what I like as she is my best friend”. So I called Diana up and we went shopping. Then our feelings for each other developed very fast and we started a relationship together. I guess thereafter Cher and Diana never spoke.”

Well, they say that in the entertainment world, the pickings are slim when it comes to finding a compatible boo-thang. Although Diana reportedly did her homegirl, Cher, dirty, I guess Gene Simmons must’ve turned Ms. Ross “upside down” and “round and round.”