Bow posted a picture, to his Instagram page, of his Mercedes Benz G-Wagon (worth over $120K) with a smashed driver side window, yet he doesn’t seem to be too angry about it. In his caption he wrote:
“Really? So this what you do? you pull up to my place of business and bust the windows out the g wagon? While I’m working? Really…? Come on girl… #imblamingjazminsullivan ?? #thesewomenoutcheaCRAZY #growup”
His followers offered their theories- that Leslie may have been the culprit. However, The Jasmine Brand reports that Bow knows it’s not her. Instead, it’s a new woman he’s been dealing with…and he apparently knows exactly who it is.

Clearly this is new drama Bow will be dealing with for a while. Hopefully this isn’t a stunt that will tie everything back into an episode of GUHH, because there’s already enough drama on that show. In any case, Bow Wow, please select your ladies better from now on bruh, because whoever did this is capable of doing far worse the next time around.