Eddie Murphy Painfully Described How A Woman Viciously Killed His Father

Eddie Murphy Painfully Described How A Woman Viciously Killed His Father

Eddie Murphy

Comedic actors — like Eddie Murphy — are so skilled at always making us laugh, that we sometimes overlook that they, too, may be going through life pains…just like the rest of us. Eddie’s past revelation about how his biological Father was viciously killed is a reminder of that reality. See the details about how his Dad was actually killed and why, below.


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Eddie once revealed, to Rolling Stone Magazine, surprising details of how his dad, Charles Edward Murphy (not pictured), was killed when Eddie was a kid. First, Eddie explained this:

“My mother (pictured above) and father broke up when I was three, and he died when I was eight, so I have very dim memories. Every now and then, I wonder what it would be like if he was still here.

Eddie then described how his Dad was murdered at just 28 years old:

“He (Eddie’s dad, Charles) was a victim of the Murphy charm chuckles. A woman stabbed my father. I never got all the logistics. It was supposed to be one of those crimes of passion: ‘If I can’t have you, then no one else will’ kind of deal. Someone said to me one day, ‘That’s why you don’t trust women.’ Get the fu*k outta here. What are you, a fu*%ing psychiatrist?” said Eddie.

“I don’t think the two have anything to do with each other. But I was really fu*%ed up about his death. It was really traumatic.”

Eddie also said, “I do have two fathers,” referring to his biological dad, Charles, and his stepfather, Vernon.


eddie and his mom and step dad
Eddie Murphy (R) with his mother and stepfather, Vernon Lynch) [via Instagram]
Eddie’s stepfather, Vernon Lynch Sr. (shown above with his wife/Eddie’s mom, Lillian), died in 2001 from lung cancer. He loved Eddie and his brother, Charlie, as his own, helping raise them since they were young kids. Vernon died in Eddie’s arms and family friends said that changed Eddie. He went from always smiling and crackin’ jokes on them, to very serious and withdrawn for a long time.

A family friend once revealed: “As Vernon’s breathing became more and more shallow, Eddie started to cry and leaned over and whispered in his ear: ‘You’ve been a wonderful father, and I hope I’m half the father to my kids that you’ve been to me. I love you, man.’”

Hie Father’s death, combined with pain of losing his brother, Charlie Murphy are very sad indeed.. Thankfully, through it all, Eddie keeps proving this Old School saying true: ‘What doesn’t kill you, can only make you stronger.’

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