Wonder What Happened To “The Wood” Actor? Found Him, And He’s Nearly Aging Backwards

Posted On : September 9, 2020

If you’ve ever seen the movie, The Wood, then you probably remember two very memorable scenes from it: When “young Mike” (played by Sean Nelson) went to their high school dance and nervously asked  “young Alicia” (played by Malinda Williams) to slow dance to Luther Vandross’ “If This World Were Mine.” During their dance, he then embarrassed himself, when he had to suddenly back away from “Alicia” because he involuntarily got a lil’ too excited, if you catch my drift…

The other memorable moment was when ‘young Mike’ and ‘young Alicia’ both decided to step into a territory that we all had to face at some point in our lives- that was that they both liked each other and chose to lose their virginity to one another. It was one of the most real, awkward and comical scenes ever! Now that we’ve taken that trip down memory lane, check out Sean Nelson now and what he’s been up to nowadays…

He Still Looks The Same:

Actor, Sean Nelson

Do y’all see this? This dude has barely aged! It’s good to see Sean taking great care of himself these days. He’s now a 40 year old father of twin daughters (see them below).

Sean is also still very much in the acting game. In recent years, he produced a feature film on Amazon titled, The Breaking Point; starred in Hulu’s show, Deadbeat, where he played a detective; and he also did an episode of the Good Wife recently. Additionally, he’s also starred in NBC’s series, New Amsterdam, as well as several more projects.

Sean Nelson

And just in case you thought you caught a glimpse of him in between watching your favorite TV show, you’re probably correct, because was featured on an AT&T commercial that was running for months.

He’s a Daddy To Beautiful Twin Girls

Today Sean Nelson is the father of toddler aged twin girls and he said he spends much of his time raising his “little angels.” He shared a photo (below) of his daughters online…

Sean Nelson with his twin daughters

He Recalls That Time Samuel Jackson Once Slapped Him On Set:

Although he’s widely known for The Wood, Sean’s first major film was in Fresh, where he played the lead character, “Fresh,” alongside Samuel Jackson. Sean was 13 at the time and he recently shared a funny story recently about a “Fresh” scene where he had to cry and Samuel Jackson unexpectedly slapped the piss outta him to help him out, LOL. Here’s what Sean told Tyme Check:

“The scene where I had to cry, you know, [on the] first take it wasn’t happenin.’ So I was like sitting there trying to make myself cry and him [Samuel Jackson] tryna help, you know he starts smacking me trying to induce tears (laughs) and it just…it wasn’t working like, it just kinda made me mad, like ‘Man what are you doing?’ (laughs). That technique isn’t working alright, so let’s work on something else.’ So we cut and the director just spoke to me [and said] ‘Take as much time as you want and get into that place to build these tears up. And I felt like I could do it, so we just turned the camera on and we just took our time and I was breathing trying to think of something and it finally came out man…it all worked.”

Sean Nelson and Samuel Jackson in the movie, "Fresh"

After Fresh and The Wood, Sean went on to star in the HBO series, The Corner, but then after that he kind of disappeared from the spotlight for years. Sean recently revealed to KTelevision where he disappeared to:Screen Shot 2016-12-30 at 8.24.33 PM

“Right after ‘The Wood’ I went to Temple University, I decided to go to film school and I double majored, I winded up getting to bachelor of arts degrees in film and media Arts and African American Studies. After The Wood I went to Temple and then I took off a year and did The Corner and after that I just wanted to finish school you know. So [I] just wrapped up the next three years and then tried to get back in the game, but the thing is that at that point I had transitioned from a kid to an adult so now it’s kind of [like] starting over and re-establishing myself as an adult. So that’s what I’m doing now and I’m tryna play different roles too. I can play a doctor, I can play a cop…I’m a little bit older, even though I don’t look it (laughs).”

We can’t wait to see what else Sean Nelson has in the works. Check out Sean’s interview in the video below…

His interview starts at the 2:22 mark…


About I Love Old School Music

We salute the incredible people and beautiful memories of that "old school". We’re not saying that every artist and every facet of the soul era was perfect, but the artists’ contributions to soul music and the old school memories of that particular time are PRICELESS.