Flag On The Play! O.J. Simpson Slams Kaepernick's Peaceful Protest Against Racial Injustice

Flag On The Play! O.J. Simpson Slams Kaepernick’s Peaceful Protest Against Racial Injustice

One thing we fully embrace, here at ILOSM, is freedom of expression/choice. Regardless of if we agree, or disagree with one’s opinion, decision, etc., it’s always great to witness various perspectives. Sometimes a celebrity may say/do something strange, that causes many to utilize their freedom of expression to the fullest, in response to said celeb’s actions. That’s currently the case for O.J. Simpson’s latest interview, in which he discussed ousted NFL quarterback, Colin Kaepernick’s, #takeAknee protest against racial oppression. And uh…let’s just say: If the controversial NFL legend’s interview was actually a football game and I was the referee, I would’ve thrown my flag on the field minutes ago. Nah…on second thought, I would have ejected O.J. from the game altogether! Peep what he had to say below…

O.J. Simpson Granted Parole At Hearing
O.J. Simpson  (Photo by Jason Bean-Pool/Getty Images)

Throw The Whole Play Away O.J.!!!

‘Just throw the whole play away O.J.!’ is the advice “The Juice” should’ve received from his public relations team, prior to doing his new interview with Buffalo News. O.J. was recently asked his thoughts on Colin Kaepernick taking a knee during the singing of the national anthem, to silently protest against “systematic oppression” of Black people in America. Kaep’ bravely sparked his peaceful protest in 2016 and unfortunately, execs in the NFL league have clearly intentionally not hired him since. But here’s what O.J. had to say about Kaep’:

Via BN– “I think Colin made a mistake,” Simpson said. “I really appreciate what he was trying to say. I thought he made a bad choice in attacking the flag. I grew up at a time when deacons were in the KKK. I don’t disrespect the Bible because of those guys. The flag shouldn’t be disrespected because of what cops do. The flag represents what we want America to be. When he did it the first time,” Simpson said, “I thought, ‘Well, you took a gamble, and I give you credit.’ But it was him continuing to do it where he made the biggest mistake. I’m a firm believer of doing what you think is right, but I would always stand for the flag.”

Soooo, O.J. said the flag represents what he WANTS America to be. However, he failed to realize that Colin, instead, took action to help CREATE the America he not only “wants” it to be, but the America that the U.S. constitution PORTRAYS it to be. Kaepernick has also put his money where his mouth is, by keeping his promise to donate $1million of his money to charities, organizations, and various causes, that focus on enriching and uplifting inner city communities largely neglected by the American system. He did this in one year (2016-2017).

San Francisco 49ers v Carolina Panthers
Colin Kaepernick kneels during the anthem prior to NFL game, 2016 (Photo by Michael Zagaris/San Francisco 49ers/Getty Images)

Another little known fact about the song Kaepernick took a knee during, “The Star Spangled Banner,” may not sit well with many people. It was written by poet/slave owner, Francis Scott Key, and it’s rarely sung third verse praises slavery, while simultaneously boasting about America being a “free” country:

“No refuge could save the hireling and SLAVE/From the terror of flight or the gloom of the grave/And the star-spangled banner in triumph doth wave/O’er the land of the free and the home of the brave.”

Hmmm…just food for thought. Moving on…

O.J. Just Be Quiet…And Grateful

Reality check for O.J.:
Fact – Ever since O.J.’s 1995 murder trial acquittal, the last group of people still ridin’ with him, mostly consists of African Americans.

Also Fact – O.J.’s negative opinion of an NFL player peacefully raising awareness about
injustice and countless unjust cops’ murders of African Americans, will probably piss off much of O.J.’s largest remaining support group.

Fact – It’s in O.J.’s best interest to just chill, live a low-key life, remain quiet on racial matters (especially), and be grateful that he’s outta prison and still has at least one sector of America that actually backs him.

Also Fact- After reading O.J.’s  latest interview…said support group may disassemble quicker than he could say “The Juice is loose!”

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